.. py:module:: viam.components.switch
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
.. autoapisummary::
Package Contents
.. py:class:: Switch(name: str, *, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None)
Bases: :py:obj:`viam.components.component_base.ComponentBase`
Switch represents a device with two or more finite states (or positions) than can be set and retrieved.
This acts as an abstract base class for any drivers representing specific
switch implementations. This cannot be used on its own. If the ``__init__()`` function is
overridden, it must call the ``super().__init__()`` function.
from viam.components.switch import Switch
For more information, see `Switch component `_.
.. py:attribute:: API
:type: Final
The API of the Resource
.. py:method:: get_position(*, extra: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs) -> int
Get the current position of the switch
my_switch = Switch.from_robot(robot=machine, name="my_switch")
# Update the switch from its current position to the desired position of 1.
await my_switch.set_position(1)
# Get the current set position of the switch.
pos1 = await my_switch.get_position()
# Update the switch from its current position to the desired position.
await my_switch.set_position(0)
# Get the current set position of the switch.
pos2 = await my_switch.get_position()
:returns: The current position of the switch within the range of available positions.
:rtype: int
For more information, see `Switch component `_.
.. py:method:: set_position(position: int, *, extra: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs) -> None
Sets the current position of the switch.
my_switch = Switch.from_robot(robot=machine, name="my_switch")
# Update the switch from its current position to the desired position of 1.
await my_switch.set_position(1)
# Update the switch from its current position to the desired position of 0.
await my_switch.set_position(0)
:param position: The position of the switch within the range of available positions.
:type position: int
For more information, see `Switch component `_.
.. py:method:: get_number_of_positions(*, extra: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs) -> int
Get the number of available positions on the switch.
my_switch = Switch.from_robot(robot=machine, name="my_switch")
print(await my_switch.get_number_of_positions())
:returns: The number of available positions.
:rtype: int
For more information, see `Switch component `_.
.. py:method:: from_robot(robot: viam.robot.client.RobotClient, name: str) -> typing_extensions.Self
Get the component named ``name`` from the provided robot.
:param robot: The robot
:type robot: RobotClient
:param name: The name of the component
:type name: str
:returns: The component, if it exists on the robot
:rtype: Self
.. py:method:: do_command(command: Mapping[str, ValueTypes], *, timeout: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs) -> Mapping[str, ValueTypes]
Send/Receive arbitrary commands to the Resource
command = {"cmd": "test", "data1": 500}
result = await component.do_command(command)
:param command: The command to execute
:type command: Mapping[str, ValueTypes]
:raises NotImplementedError: Raised if the Resource does not support arbitrary commands
:returns: Result of the executed command
:rtype: Mapping[str, ValueTypes]
.. py:method:: get_geometries(*, extra: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None) -> List[viam.proto.common.Geometry]
Get all geometries associated with the component, in their current configuration, in the
`frame `__ of the component.
geometries = await component.get_geometries()
if geometries:
# Get the center of the first geometry
print(f"Pose of the first geometry's centerpoint: {geometries[0].center}")
:returns: The geometries associated with the Component.
:rtype: List[Geometry]
.. py:method:: get_resource_name(name: str) -> viam.proto.common.ResourceName
Get the ResourceName for this Resource with the given name
# Can be used with any resource, using an arm as an example
my_arm_name = Arm.get_resource_name("my_arm")
:param name: The name of the Resource
:type name: str
:returns: The ResourceName of this Resource
:rtype: ResourceName
.. py:method:: get_operation(kwargs: Mapping[str, Any]) -> viam.operations.Operation
Get the ``Operation`` associated with the currently running function.
When writing custom resources, you should get the ``Operation`` by calling this function and check to see if it's cancelled.
If the ``Operation`` is cancelled, then you can perform any necessary (terminating long running tasks, cleaning up connections, etc.
:param kwargs: The kwargs object containing the operation
:type kwargs: Mapping[str, Any]
:returns: The operation associated with this function
:rtype: viam.operations.Operation
.. py:method:: close()
Safely shut down the resource and prevent further use.
Close must be idempotent. Later configuration may allow a resource to be "open" again.
If a resource does not want or need a close function, it is assumed that the resource does not need to return errors when future
non-Close methods are called.
await component.close()