:py:mod:`viam.gen.component.movementsensor.v1.movementsensor_pb2` ================================================================= .. py:module:: viam.gen.component.movementsensor.v1.movementsensor_pb2 .. autoapi-nested-parse:: @generated by mypy-protobuf. Do not edit manually! isort:skip_file Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: viam.gen.component.movementsensor.v1.movementsensor_pb2.GetLinearVelocityRequest viam.gen.component.movementsensor.v1.movementsensor_pb2.GetLinearVelocityResponse viam.gen.component.movementsensor.v1.movementsensor_pb2.GetAngularVelocityRequest viam.gen.component.movementsensor.v1.movementsensor_pb2.GetAngularVelocityResponse viam.gen.component.movementsensor.v1.movementsensor_pb2.GetCompassHeadingRequest viam.gen.component.movementsensor.v1.movementsensor_pb2.GetCompassHeadingResponse viam.gen.component.movementsensor.v1.movementsensor_pb2.GetOrientationRequest viam.gen.component.movementsensor.v1.movementsensor_pb2.GetOrientationResponse viam.gen.component.movementsensor.v1.movementsensor_pb2.GetPositionRequest viam.gen.component.movementsensor.v1.movementsensor_pb2.GetPositionResponse viam.gen.component.movementsensor.v1.movementsensor_pb2.GetPropertiesRequest viam.gen.component.movementsensor.v1.movementsensor_pb2.GetPropertiesResponse viam.gen.component.movementsensor.v1.movementsensor_pb2.GetAccuracyRequest viam.gen.component.movementsensor.v1.movementsensor_pb2.GetAccuracyResponse viam.gen.component.movementsensor.v1.movementsensor_pb2.GetLinearAccelerationRequest viam.gen.component.movementsensor.v1.movementsensor_pb2.GetLinearAccelerationResponse Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: viam.gen.component.movementsensor.v1.movementsensor_pb2.DESCRIPTOR viam.gen.component.movementsensor.v1.movementsensor_pb2.global___GetLinearVelocityRequest viam.gen.component.movementsensor.v1.movementsensor_pb2.global___GetLinearVelocityResponse viam.gen.component.movementsensor.v1.movementsensor_pb2.global___GetAngularVelocityRequest viam.gen.component.movementsensor.v1.movementsensor_pb2.global___GetAngularVelocityResponse viam.gen.component.movementsensor.v1.movementsensor_pb2.global___GetCompassHeadingRequest viam.gen.component.movementsensor.v1.movementsensor_pb2.global___GetCompassHeadingResponse viam.gen.component.movementsensor.v1.movementsensor_pb2.global___GetOrientationRequest viam.gen.component.movementsensor.v1.movementsensor_pb2.global___GetOrientationResponse viam.gen.component.movementsensor.v1.movementsensor_pb2.global___GetPositionRequest viam.gen.component.movementsensor.v1.movementsensor_pb2.global___GetPositionResponse viam.gen.component.movementsensor.v1.movementsensor_pb2.global___GetPropertiesRequest viam.gen.component.movementsensor.v1.movementsensor_pb2.global___GetPropertiesResponse viam.gen.component.movementsensor.v1.movementsensor_pb2.global___GetAccuracyRequest viam.gen.component.movementsensor.v1.movementsensor_pb2.global___GetAccuracyResponse viam.gen.component.movementsensor.v1.movementsensor_pb2.global___GetLinearAccelerationRequest viam.gen.component.movementsensor.v1.movementsensor_pb2.global___GetLinearAccelerationResponse .. py:data:: DESCRIPTOR :type: google.protobuf.descriptor.FileDescriptor .. py:class:: GetLinearVelocityRequest(*, name: str = ..., extra: google.protobuf.struct_pb2.Struct | None = ...) Bases: :py:obj:`google.protobuf.message.Message` Abstract base class for protocol messages. Protocol message classes are almost always generated by the protocol compiler. These generated types subclass Message and implement the methods shown below. .. py:property:: extra :type: google.protobuf.struct_pb2.Struct Additional arguments to the method .. py:attribute:: name :type: str Name of a movement sensor .. py:method:: HasField(field_name: Literal[extra, b'extra']) -> bool Checks if a certain field is set for the message. For a oneof group, checks if any field inside is set. Note that if the field_name is not defined in the message descriptor, :exc:`ValueError` will be raised. :param field_name: The name of the field to check for presence. :type field_name: str :returns: Whether a value has been set for the named field. :rtype: bool :raises ValueError: if the `field_name` is not a member of this message. .. py:data:: global___GetLinearVelocityRequest .. py:class:: GetLinearVelocityResponse(*, linear_velocity: viam.gen.common.v1.common_pb2.Vector3 | None = ...) Bases: :py:obj:`google.protobuf.message.Message` Abstract base class for protocol messages. Protocol message classes are almost always generated by the protocol compiler. These generated types subclass Message and implement the methods shown below. .. py:property:: linear_velocity :type: viam.gen.common.v1.common_pb2.Vector3 Linear velocity in m/s across x/y/z axes .. py:method:: HasField(field_name: Literal[linear_velocity, b'linear_velocity']) -> bool Checks if a certain field is set for the message. For a oneof group, checks if any field inside is set. Note that if the field_name is not defined in the message descriptor, :exc:`ValueError` will be raised. :param field_name: The name of the field to check for presence. :type field_name: str :returns: Whether a value has been set for the named field. :rtype: bool :raises ValueError: if the `field_name` is not a member of this message. .. py:data:: global___GetLinearVelocityResponse .. py:class:: GetAngularVelocityRequest(*, name: str = ..., extra: google.protobuf.struct_pb2.Struct | None = ...) Bases: :py:obj:`google.protobuf.message.Message` Abstract base class for protocol messages. Protocol message classes are almost always generated by the protocol compiler. These generated types subclass Message and implement the methods shown below. .. py:property:: extra :type: google.protobuf.struct_pb2.Struct Additional arguments to the method .. py:attribute:: name :type: str Name of a movement sensor .. py:method:: HasField(field_name: Literal[extra, b'extra']) -> bool Checks if a certain field is set for the message. For a oneof group, checks if any field inside is set. Note that if the field_name is not defined in the message descriptor, :exc:`ValueError` will be raised. :param field_name: The name of the field to check for presence. :type field_name: str :returns: Whether a value has been set for the named field. :rtype: bool :raises ValueError: if the `field_name` is not a member of this message. .. py:data:: global___GetAngularVelocityRequest .. py:class:: GetAngularVelocityResponse(*, angular_velocity: viam.gen.common.v1.common_pb2.Vector3 | None = ...) Bases: :py:obj:`google.protobuf.message.Message` Abstract base class for protocol messages. Protocol message classes are almost always generated by the protocol compiler. These generated types subclass Message and implement the methods shown below. .. py:property:: angular_velocity :type: viam.gen.common.v1.common_pb2.Vector3 Angular velocity in degrees/s across x/y/z axes .. py:method:: HasField(field_name: Literal[angular_velocity, b'angular_velocity']) -> bool Checks if a certain field is set for the message. For a oneof group, checks if any field inside is set. Note that if the field_name is not defined in the message descriptor, :exc:`ValueError` will be raised. :param field_name: The name of the field to check for presence. :type field_name: str :returns: Whether a value has been set for the named field. :rtype: bool :raises ValueError: if the `field_name` is not a member of this message. .. py:data:: global___GetAngularVelocityResponse .. py:class:: GetCompassHeadingRequest(*, name: str = ..., extra: google.protobuf.struct_pb2.Struct | None = ...) Bases: :py:obj:`google.protobuf.message.Message` Abstract base class for protocol messages. Protocol message classes are almost always generated by the protocol compiler. These generated types subclass Message and implement the methods shown below. .. py:property:: extra :type: google.protobuf.struct_pb2.Struct Additional arguments to the method .. py:attribute:: name :type: str Name of a movement sensor .. py:method:: HasField(field_name: Literal[extra, b'extra']) -> bool Checks if a certain field is set for the message. For a oneof group, checks if any field inside is set. Note that if the field_name is not defined in the message descriptor, :exc:`ValueError` will be raised. :param field_name: The name of the field to check for presence. :type field_name: str :returns: Whether a value has been set for the named field. :rtype: bool :raises ValueError: if the `field_name` is not a member of this message. .. py:data:: global___GetCompassHeadingRequest .. py:class:: GetCompassHeadingResponse(*, value: float = ...) Bases: :py:obj:`google.protobuf.message.Message` Abstract base class for protocol messages. Protocol message classes are almost always generated by the protocol compiler. These generated types subclass Message and implement the methods shown below. .. py:attribute:: value :type: float A number from 0-359 in degrees where 0 is North, 90 is East, 180 is South, and 270 is West .. py:data:: global___GetCompassHeadingResponse .. py:class:: GetOrientationRequest(*, name: str = ..., extra: google.protobuf.struct_pb2.Struct | None = ...) Bases: :py:obj:`google.protobuf.message.Message` Abstract base class for protocol messages. Protocol message classes are almost always generated by the protocol compiler. These generated types subclass Message and implement the methods shown below. .. py:property:: extra :type: google.protobuf.struct_pb2.Struct Additional arguments to the method .. py:attribute:: name :type: str Name of a movement sensor .. py:method:: HasField(field_name: Literal[extra, b'extra']) -> bool Checks if a certain field is set for the message. For a oneof group, checks if any field inside is set. Note that if the field_name is not defined in the message descriptor, :exc:`ValueError` will be raised. :param field_name: The name of the field to check for presence. :type field_name: str :returns: Whether a value has been set for the named field. :rtype: bool :raises ValueError: if the `field_name` is not a member of this message. .. py:data:: global___GetOrientationRequest .. py:class:: GetOrientationResponse(*, orientation: viam.gen.common.v1.common_pb2.Orientation | None = ...) Bases: :py:obj:`google.protobuf.message.Message` Abstract base class for protocol messages. Protocol message classes are almost always generated by the protocol compiler. These generated types subclass Message and implement the methods shown below. .. py:property:: orientation :type: viam.gen.common.v1.common_pb2.Orientation Orientation is returned as an orientation message with OX OY OZ as unit-normalized components of the axis of the vector, and Theta in degrees .. py:method:: HasField(field_name: Literal[orientation, b'orientation']) -> bool Checks if a certain field is set for the message. For a oneof group, checks if any field inside is set. Note that if the field_name is not defined in the message descriptor, :exc:`ValueError` will be raised. :param field_name: The name of the field to check for presence. :type field_name: str :returns: Whether a value has been set for the named field. :rtype: bool :raises ValueError: if the `field_name` is not a member of this message. .. py:data:: global___GetOrientationResponse .. py:class:: GetPositionRequest(*, name: str = ..., extra: google.protobuf.struct_pb2.Struct | None = ...) Bases: :py:obj:`google.protobuf.message.Message` Abstract base class for protocol messages. Protocol message classes are almost always generated by the protocol compiler. These generated types subclass Message and implement the methods shown below. .. py:property:: extra :type: google.protobuf.struct_pb2.Struct Additional arguments to the method .. py:attribute:: name :type: str Name of a movement sensor .. py:method:: HasField(field_name: Literal[extra, b'extra']) -> bool Checks if a certain field is set for the message. For a oneof group, checks if any field inside is set. Note that if the field_name is not defined in the message descriptor, :exc:`ValueError` will be raised. :param field_name: The name of the field to check for presence. :type field_name: str :returns: Whether a value has been set for the named field. :rtype: bool :raises ValueError: if the `field_name` is not a member of this message. .. py:data:: global___GetPositionRequest .. py:class:: GetPositionResponse(*, coordinate: viam.gen.common.v1.common_pb2.GeoPoint | None = ..., altitude_m: float = ...) Bases: :py:obj:`google.protobuf.message.Message` Abstract base class for protocol messages. Protocol message classes are almost always generated by the protocol compiler. These generated types subclass Message and implement the methods shown below. .. py:property:: coordinate :type: viam.gen.common.v1.common_pb2.GeoPoint Position is returned in a coordinate of latitute and longitude and an altidue in meters .. py:attribute:: altitude_m :type: float .. py:method:: HasField(field_name: Literal[coordinate, b'coordinate']) -> bool Checks if a certain field is set for the message. For a oneof group, checks if any field inside is set. Note that if the field_name is not defined in the message descriptor, :exc:`ValueError` will be raised. :param field_name: The name of the field to check for presence. :type field_name: str :returns: Whether a value has been set for the named field. :rtype: bool :raises ValueError: if the `field_name` is not a member of this message. .. py:data:: global___GetPositionResponse .. py:class:: GetPropertiesRequest(*, name: str = ..., extra: google.protobuf.struct_pb2.Struct | None = ...) Bases: :py:obj:`google.protobuf.message.Message` Abstract base class for protocol messages. Protocol message classes are almost always generated by the protocol compiler. These generated types subclass Message and implement the methods shown below. .. py:property:: extra :type: google.protobuf.struct_pb2.Struct Additional arguments to the method .. py:attribute:: name :type: str Name of a movement sensor .. py:method:: HasField(field_name: Literal[extra, b'extra']) -> bool Checks if a certain field is set for the message. For a oneof group, checks if any field inside is set. Note that if the field_name is not defined in the message descriptor, :exc:`ValueError` will be raised. :param field_name: The name of the field to check for presence. :type field_name: str :returns: Whether a value has been set for the named field. :rtype: bool :raises ValueError: if the `field_name` is not a member of this message. .. py:data:: global___GetPropertiesRequest .. py:class:: GetPropertiesResponse(*, linear_velocity_supported: bool = ..., angular_velocity_supported: bool = ..., orientation_supported: bool = ..., position_supported: bool = ..., compass_heading_supported: bool = ..., linear_acceleration_supported: bool = ...) Bases: :py:obj:`google.protobuf.message.Message` Abstract base class for protocol messages. Protocol message classes are almost always generated by the protocol compiler. These generated types subclass Message and implement the methods shown below. .. py:attribute:: linear_velocity_supported :type: bool .. py:attribute:: angular_velocity_supported :type: bool .. py:attribute:: orientation_supported :type: bool .. py:attribute:: position_supported :type: bool .. py:attribute:: compass_heading_supported :type: bool .. py:attribute:: linear_acceleration_supported :type: bool .. py:data:: global___GetPropertiesResponse .. py:class:: GetAccuracyRequest(*, name: str = ..., extra: google.protobuf.struct_pb2.Struct | None = ...) Bases: :py:obj:`google.protobuf.message.Message` Abstract base class for protocol messages. Protocol message classes are almost always generated by the protocol compiler. These generated types subclass Message and implement the methods shown below. .. py:property:: extra :type: google.protobuf.struct_pb2.Struct Additional arguments to the method .. py:attribute:: name :type: str Name of a movement sensor .. py:method:: HasField(field_name: Literal[extra, b'extra']) -> bool Checks if a certain field is set for the message. For a oneof group, checks if any field inside is set. Note that if the field_name is not defined in the message descriptor, :exc:`ValueError` will be raised. :param field_name: The name of the field to check for presence. :type field_name: str :returns: Whether a value has been set for the named field. :rtype: bool :raises ValueError: if the `field_name` is not a member of this message. .. py:data:: global___GetAccuracyRequest .. py:class:: GetAccuracyResponse(*, accuracy: collections.abc.Mapping[str, float] | None = ..., position_hdop: float | None = ..., position_vdop: float | None = ..., position_nmea_gga_fix: int | None = ..., compass_degrees_error: float | None = ...) Bases: :py:obj:`google.protobuf.message.Message` Abstract base class for protocol messages. Protocol message classes are almost always generated by the protocol compiler. These generated types subclass Message and implement the methods shown below. .. py:class:: AccuracyEntry(*, key: str = ..., value: float = ...) Bases: :py:obj:`google.protobuf.message.Message` Abstract base class for protocol messages. Protocol message classes are almost always generated by the protocol compiler. These generated types subclass Message and implement the methods shown below. .. py:attribute:: key :type: str .. py:attribute:: value :type: float .. py:property:: accuracy :type: google.protobuf.internal.containers.ScalarMap[str, float] .. py:attribute:: position_hdop :type: float .. py:attribute:: position_vdop :type: float .. py:attribute:: position_nmea_gga_fix :type: int .. py:attribute:: compass_degrees_error :type: float .. py:method:: HasField(field_name: Literal[_compass_degrees_error, b'_compass_degrees_error', _position_hdop, b'_position_hdop', _position_nmea_gga_fix, b'_position_nmea_gga_fix', _position_vdop, b'_position_vdop', compass_degrees_error, b'compass_degrees_error', position_hdop, b'position_hdop', position_nmea_gga_fix, b'position_nmea_gga_fix', position_vdop, b'position_vdop']) -> bool Checks if a certain field is set for the message. For a oneof group, checks if any field inside is set. Note that if the field_name is not defined in the message descriptor, :exc:`ValueError` will be raised. :param field_name: The name of the field to check for presence. :type field_name: str :returns: Whether a value has been set for the named field. :rtype: bool :raises ValueError: if the `field_name` is not a member of this message. .. py:method:: WhichOneof(oneof_group: Literal[_compass_degrees_error, b'_compass_degrees_error']) -> Literal[compass_degrees_error] | None WhichOneof(oneof_group: Literal[_position_hdop, b'_position_hdop']) -> Literal[position_hdop] | None WhichOneof(oneof_group: Literal[_position_nmea_gga_fix, b'_position_nmea_gga_fix']) -> Literal[position_nmea_gga_fix] | None WhichOneof(oneof_group: Literal[_position_vdop, b'_position_vdop']) -> Literal[position_vdop] | None Returns the name of the field that is set inside a oneof group. If no field is set, returns None. :param oneof_group: the name of the oneof group to check. :type oneof_group: str :returns: The name of the group that is set, or None. :rtype: str or None :raises ValueError: no group with the given name exists .. py:data:: global___GetAccuracyResponse .. py:class:: GetLinearAccelerationRequest(*, name: str = ..., extra: google.protobuf.struct_pb2.Struct | None = ...) Bases: :py:obj:`google.protobuf.message.Message` Abstract base class for protocol messages. Protocol message classes are almost always generated by the protocol compiler. These generated types subclass Message and implement the methods shown below. .. py:property:: extra :type: google.protobuf.struct_pb2.Struct Additional arguments to the method .. py:attribute:: name :type: str Name of a movement sensor .. py:method:: HasField(field_name: Literal[extra, b'extra']) -> bool Checks if a certain field is set for the message. For a oneof group, checks if any field inside is set. Note that if the field_name is not defined in the message descriptor, :exc:`ValueError` will be raised. :param field_name: The name of the field to check for presence. :type field_name: str :returns: Whether a value has been set for the named field. :rtype: bool :raises ValueError: if the `field_name` is not a member of this message. .. py:data:: global___GetLinearAccelerationRequest .. py:class:: GetLinearAccelerationResponse(*, linear_acceleration: viam.gen.common.v1.common_pb2.Vector3 | None = ...) Bases: :py:obj:`google.protobuf.message.Message` Abstract base class for protocol messages. Protocol message classes are almost always generated by the protocol compiler. These generated types subclass Message and implement the methods shown below. .. py:property:: linear_acceleration :type: viam.gen.common.v1.common_pb2.Vector3 Linear acceleration in m/s across x/y/z axes .. py:method:: HasField(field_name: Literal[linear_acceleration, b'linear_acceleration']) -> bool Checks if a certain field is set for the message. For a oneof group, checks if any field inside is set. Note that if the field_name is not defined in the message descriptor, :exc:`ValueError` will be raised. :param field_name: The name of the field to check for presence. :type field_name: str :returns: Whether a value has been set for the named field. :rtype: bool :raises ValueError: if the `field_name` is not a member of this message. .. py:data:: global___GetLinearAccelerationResponse