Source code for

import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Tuple

from google.protobuf.struct_pb2 import Struct
from grpclib.client import Channel, Stream

from viam import logging
from import (
from import (
from import (
from viam.utils import ValueTypes, create_filter, datetime_to_timestamp, struct_to_dict

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class DataClient: """gRPC client for uploading and retrieving data from app. Constructor is used by `ViamClient` to instantiate relevant service stubs. Calls to `DataClient` methods should be made through `ViamClient`. Establish a Connection:: import asyncio from viam.rpc.dial import DialOptions, Credentials from import ViamClient async def connect() -> ViamClient: # Replace "<API-KEY>" (including brackets) with your API key and "<API-KEY-ID>" with your API key ID dial_options = DialOptions.with_api_key("<API-KEY>", "<API-KEY-ID>") return await ViamClient.create_from_dial_options(dial_options) async def main(): # Make a ViamClient viam_client = await connect() # Instantiate a DataClient to run data client API methods on data_client = viam_client.data_client viam_client.close() if __name__ == '__main__': """
[docs] @dataclass class TabularData: """Class representing a piece of tabular data and associated metadata.""" data: Mapping[str, Any] """The requested data""" metadata: CaptureMetadata """The metadata associated with the data""" time_requested: datetime """The time the data were requested""" time_received: datetime """The time the data were received"""
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{}\n{self.metadata}Time requested: {self.time_requested}\nTime received: {self.time_received}\n"
[docs] def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if isinstance(other, DataClient.TabularData): return str(self) == str(other) return False
# TODO (RSDK-6684): Revisit if this shadow type is necessary
[docs] @dataclass class BinaryData: """Class representing a piece of binary data and associated metadata.""" data: bytes """The request data""" metadata: BinaryMetadata """The metadata associated with the data"""
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{}\n{self.metadata}"
[docs] def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if isinstance(other, DataClient.BinaryData): return str(self) == str(other) return False
def __init__(self, channel: Channel, metadata: Mapping[str, str]): """Create a `DataClient` that maintains a connection to app. Args: channel (grpclib.client.Channel): Connection to app. metadata (Mapping[str, str]): Required authorization token to send requests to app. """ self._metadata = metadata self._data_client = DataServiceStub(channel) self._data_sync_client = DataSyncServiceStub(channel) self._dataset_client = DatasetServiceStub(channel) self._channel = channel _data_client: DataServiceStub _data_sync_client: DataSyncServiceStub _dataset_client: DatasetServiceStub _metadata: Mapping[str, str] _channel: Channel
[docs] async def tabular_data_by_filter( self, filter: Optional[Filter] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, sort_order: Optional[Order.ValueType] = None, last: Optional[str] = None, count_only: bool = False, include_internal_data: bool = False, dest: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Tuple[List[TabularData], int, str]: """Filter and download tabular data. The data will be paginated into pages of `limit` items, and the pagination ID will be included in the returned tuple. If a destination is provided, the data will be saved to that file. If the file is not empty, it will be overwritten. :: from import Filter my_data = [] last = None my_filter = Filter(component_name="left_motor") while True: tabular_data, count, last = await data_client.tabular_data_by_filter(my_filter, last) if not tabular_data: break my_data.extend(tabular_data) Args: filter ( Optional `Filter` specifying tabular data to retrieve. No `Filter` implies all tabular data. limit (int): The maximum number of entries to include in a page. Defaults to 50 if unspecified. sort_order ( The desired sort order of the data. last (str): Optional string indicating the ID of the last-returned data. If provided, the server will return the next data entries after the `last` ID. count_only (bool): Whether to return only the total count of entries. include_internal_data (bool): Whether to return the internal data. Internal data is used for Viam-specific data ingestion, like cloud SLAM. Defaults to `False` dest (str): Optional filepath for writing retrieved data. Returns: List[TabularData]: The tabular data. int: The count (number of entries) str: The last-returned page ID. """ filter = filter if filter else Filter() data_request = DataRequest(filter=filter) if limit: data_request.limit = limit if sort_order: data_request.sort_order = sort_order if last: data_request.last = last request = TabularDataByFilterRequest(data_request=data_request, count_only=count_only, include_internal_data=include_internal_data) response: TabularDataByFilterResponse = await self._data_client.TabularDataByFilter(request, metadata=self._metadata) data = [ DataClient.TabularData( struct_to_dict(, response.metadata[struct.metadata_index], struct.time_requested.ToDatetime(), struct.time_received.ToDatetime(), ) for struct in ] if dest: try: file = open(dest, "w") file.write(f"{[str(d) for d in data]}") file.flush() except Exception as e: LOGGER.error(f"Failed to write tabular data to file {dest}", exc_info=e) return data, response.count, response.last
[docs] async def tabular_data_by_sql(self, organization_id: str, sql_query: str) -> List[Dict[str, ValueTypes]]: """Obtain unified tabular data and metadata, queried with SQL. :: data = await data_client.tabular_data_by_sql(org_id="<your-org-id>", sql_query="<sql-query>") Args: organization_id (str): The ID of the organization that owns the data. sql_query (str): The SQL query to run. Returns: List[Dict[str, ValueTypes]]: An array of data objects. """ request = TabularDataBySQLRequest(organization_id=organization_id, sql_query=sql_query) response: TabularDataBySQLResponse = await self._data_client.TabularDataBySQL(request, metadata=self._metadata) return [struct_to_dict(struct) for struct in]
[docs] async def tabular_data_by_mql(self, organization_id: str, mql_binary: List[bytes]) -> List[Dict[str, ValueTypes]]: """Obtain unified tabular data and metadata, queried with MQL. :: data = await data_client.tabular_data_by_mql(org_id="<your-org-id>", mql_binary=[<mql-bytes-1>, <mql-bytes-2>]) Args: organization_id (str): The ID of the organization that owns the data. mql_binary (List[bytes]):The MQL query to run as a list of BSON documents. Returns: List[Dict[str, ValueTypes]]: An array of data objects. """ request = TabularDataByMQLRequest(organization_id=organization_id, mql_binary=mql_binary) response: TabularDataByMQLResponse = await self._data_client.TabularDataByMQL(request, metadata=self._metadata) return [struct_to_dict(struct) for struct in]
[docs] async def binary_data_by_filter( self, filter: Optional[Filter] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, sort_order: Optional[Order.ValueType] = None, last: Optional[str] = None, include_binary_data: bool = True, count_only: bool = False, include_internal_data: bool = False, dest: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Tuple[List[BinaryData], int, str]: """Filter and download binary data. The data will be paginated into pages of `limit` items, and the pagination ID will be included in the returned tuple. If a destination is provided, the data will be saved to that file. If the file is not empty, it will be overwritten. :: from import Filter my_data = [] last = None my_filter = Filter(component_name="camera") while True: data, count, last = await data_client.binary_data_by_filter(my_filter, last) if not data: break my_data.extend(data) Args: filter ( Optional `Filter` specifying tabular data to retrieve. No `Filter` implies all binary data. limit (int): The maximum number of entries to include in a page. Defaults to 50 if unspecified. sort_order ( The desired sort order of the data. last (str): Optional string indicating the ID of the last-returned data. If provided, the server will return the next data entries after the `last` ID. include_binary_data (bool): Boolean specifying whether to actually include the binary file data with each retrieved file. Defaults to true (i.e., both the files' data and metadata are returned). count_only (bool): Whether to return only the total count of entries. include_internal_data (bool): Whether to return the internal data. Internal data is used for Viam-specific data ingestion, like cloud SLAM. Defaults to `False` dest (str): Optional filepath for writing retrieved data. Returns: List[BinaryData]: The binary data. int: The count (number of entries) str: The last-returned page ID. """ data_request = DataRequest(filter=filter) if limit: data_request.limit = limit if sort_order: data_request.sort_order = sort_order if last: data_request.last = last request = BinaryDataByFilterRequest( data_request=data_request, include_binary=include_binary_data, count_only=count_only, include_internal_data=include_internal_data, ) response: BinaryDataByFilterResponse = await self._data_client.BinaryDataByFilter(request, metadata=self._metadata) data = [DataClient.BinaryData(data.binary, data.metadata) for data in] if dest: try: file = open(dest, "w") file.write(f"{[str(d) for d in data]}") file.flush() except Exception as e: LOGGER.error(f"Failed to write binary data to file {dest}", exc_info=e) return data, response.count, response.last
[docs] async def binary_data_by_ids( self, binary_ids: List[BinaryID], dest: Optional[str] = None, ) -> List[BinaryData]: """Filter and download binary data. :: from import BinaryID binary_metadata = await data_client.binary_data_by_filter( include_file_data=False ) my_ids = [] for obj in binary_metadata: my_ids.append( BinaryID(, organization_id=obj.metadata.capture_metadata.organization_id, location_id=obj.metadata.capture_metadata.location_id ) ) binary_data = await data_client.binary_data_by_ids(my_ids) Args: binary_ids (List[]): `BinaryID` objects specifying the desired data. Must be non-empty. dest (str): Optional filepath for writing retrieved data. Raises: GRPCError: If no `BinaryID` objects are provided. Returns: List[BinaryData]: The binary data. """ request = BinaryDataByIDsRequest(binary_ids=binary_ids, include_binary=True) response: BinaryDataByIDsResponse = await self._data_client.BinaryDataByIDs(request, metadata=self._metadata) if dest: try: file = open(dest, "w") file.write(f"{}") file.flush() except Exception as e: LOGGER.error(f"Failed to write binary data to file {dest}", exc_info=e) return [DataClient.BinaryData(data.binary, data.metadata) for data in]
[docs] async def delete_tabular_data(self, organization_id: str, delete_older_than_days: int) -> int: """Delete tabular data older than a specified number of days. :: from import Filter my_filter = Filter(component_name="left_motor") days_of_data_to_delete = 10 tabular_data = await data_client.delete_tabular_data( org_id="a12b3c4e-1234-1abc-ab1c-ab1c2d345abc", days_of_data_to_delete) Args: organization_id (str): ID of organization to delete data from. delete_older_than_days (int): Delete data that was captured up to this many days ago. For example if `delete_older_than_days` is 10, this deletes any data that was captured up to 10 days ago. If it is 0, all existing data is deleted. Returns: int: The number of items deleted. """ request = DeleteTabularDataRequest(organization_id=organization_id, delete_older_than_days=delete_older_than_days) response: DeleteTabularDataResponse = await self._data_client.DeleteTabularData(request, metadata=self._metadata) return response.deleted_count
[docs] async def delete_tabular_data_by_filter(self, filter: Optional[Filter]) -> int: """Deprecated: use delete_tabular_data instead.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] async def delete_binary_data_by_filter(self, filter: Optional[Filter]) -> int: """Filter and delete binary data. :: from import Filter my_filter = Filter(component_name="left_motor") res = await data_client.delete_binary_data_by_filter(my_filter) Args: filter ( Optional `Filter` specifying binary data to delete. Passing an empty `Filter` will lead to all data being deleted. Exercise caution when using this option. Returns: int: The number of items deleted. """ filter = filter if filter else Filter() request = DeleteBinaryDataByFilterRequest(filter=filter) response: DeleteBinaryDataByFilterResponse = await self._data_client.DeleteBinaryDataByFilter(request, metadata=self._metadata) return response.deleted_count
[docs] async def delete_binary_data_by_ids(self, binary_ids: List[BinaryID]) -> int: """Filter and delete binary data. :: from import BinaryID binary_metadata = await data_client.binary_data_by_filter( include_file_data=False ) my_ids = [] for obj in binary_metadata: my_ids.append( BinaryID(, organization_id=obj.metadata.capture_metadata.organization_id, location_id=obj.metadata.capture_metadata.location_id ) ) binary_data = await data_client.delete_binary_data_by_ids(my_ids) Args: binary_ids (List[]): `BinaryID` objects specifying the data to be deleted. Must be non-empty. Raises: GRPCError: If no `BinaryID` objects are provided. Returns: int: The number of items deleted. """ request = DeleteBinaryDataByIDsRequest(binary_ids=binary_ids) response: DeleteBinaryDataByIDsResponse = await self._data_client.DeleteBinaryDataByIDs(request, metadata=self._metadata) return response.deleted_count
[docs] async def add_tags_to_binary_data_by_ids(self, tags: List[str], binary_ids: List[BinaryID]) -> None: """Add tags to binary data. :: from import BinaryID tags = ["tag1", "tag2"] binary_metadata = await data_client.binary_data_by_filter( include_file_data=False ) my_ids = [] for obj in binary_metadata: my_ids.append( BinaryID(, organization_id=obj.metadata.capture_metadata.organization_id, location_id=obj.metadata.capture_metadata.location_id ) ) binary_data = await data_client.add_tags_to_binary_data_by_ids(tags, my_ids) Args: tags (List[str]): List of tags to add to specified binary data. Must be non-empty. binary_ids (List[]): List of `BinaryID` objects specifying binary data to tag. Must be non-empty. Raises: GRPCError: If no `BinaryID` objects or tags are provided. """ request = AddTagsToBinaryDataByIDsRequest(binary_ids=binary_ids, tags=tags) await self._data_client.AddTagsToBinaryDataByIDs(request, metadata=self._metadata)
[docs] async def add_tags_to_binary_data_by_filter(self, tags: List[str], filter: Optional[Filter] = None) -> None: """Add tags to binary data. :: from import Filter my_filter = Filter(component_name="my_camera") tags = ["tag1", "tag2"] res = await data_client.add_tags_to_binary_data_by_filter(tags, my_filter) Args: tags (List[str]): List of tags to add to specified binary data. Must be non-empty. filter ( `Filter` specifying binary data to tag. If no `Filter` is provided, all data will be tagged. Raises: GRPCError: If no tags are provided. """ filter = filter if filter else Filter() request = AddTagsToBinaryDataByFilterRequest(filter=filter, tags=tags) await self._data_client.AddTagsToBinaryDataByFilter(request, metadata=self._metadata)
[docs] async def remove_tags_from_binary_data_by_ids(self, tags: List[str], binary_ids: List[BinaryID]) -> int: """Remove tags from binary. :: from import BinaryID tags = ["tag1", "tag2"] binary_metadata = await data_client.binary_data_by_filter( include_file_data=False ) my_ids = [] for obj in binary_metadata: my_ids.append( BinaryID(, organization_id=obj.metadata.capture_metadata.organization_id, location_id=obj.metadata.capture_metadata.location_id ) ) binary_data = await data_client.remove_tags_from_binary_data_by_ids( tags, my_ids) Args: tags (List[str]): List of tags to remove from specified binary data. Must be non-empty. binary_ids (List[BinaryID]): List of `BinaryID` objects specifying binary data to untag. Must be non-empty. Raises: GRPCError: If no binary_ids or tags are provided. Returns: int: The number of tags removed. """ request = RemoveTagsFromBinaryDataByIDsRequest(binary_ids=binary_ids, tags=tags) response: RemoveTagsFromBinaryDataByIDsResponse = await self._data_client.RemoveTagsFromBinaryDataByIDs( request, metadata=self._metadata ) return response.deleted_count
[docs] async def remove_tags_from_binary_data_by_filter(self, tags: List[str], filter: Optional[Filter] = None) -> int: """Remove tags from binary data. :: from import Filter my_filter = Filter(component_name="my_camera") tags = ["tag1", "tag2"] res = await data_client.remove_tags_from_binary_data_by_filter(tags, my_filter) Args: tags (List[str]): List of tags to remove from specified binary data. filter ( `Filter` specifying binary data to untag. If no `Filter` is provided, all data will be untagged. Raises: GRPCError: If no tags are provided. Returns: int: The number of tags removed. """ filter = filter if filter else Filter() request = RemoveTagsFromBinaryDataByFilterRequest(filter=filter, tags=tags) response: RemoveTagsFromBinaryDataByFilterResponse = await self._data_client.RemoveTagsFromBinaryDataByFilter( request, metadata=self._metadata ) return response.deleted_count
[docs] async def tags_by_filter(self, filter: Optional[Filter] = None) -> List[str]: """Get a list of tags using a filter. :: from import Filter my_filter = Filter(component_name="my_camera") tags = await data_client.tags_by_filter(my_filter) Args: filter ( `Filter` specifying data to retrieve from. If no `Filter` is provided, all data tags will return. Returns: List[str]: The list of tags. """ filter = filter if filter else Filter() request = TagsByFilterRequest(filter=filter) response: TagsByFilterResponse = await self._data_client.TagsByFilter(request, metadata=self._metadata) return list(response.tags)
[docs] async def add_bounding_box_to_image_by_id( self, binary_id: BinaryID, label: str, x_min_normalized: float, y_min_normalized: float, x_max_normalized: float, y_max_normalized: float, ) -> str: """Add a bounding box to an image. :: from import BinaryID MY_BINARY_ID = BinaryID( file_id=your-file_id, organization_id=your-org-id, location_id=your-location-id ) bbox_label = await data_client.add_bounding_box_to_image_by_id( binary_id=MY_BINARY_ID, label="label", x_min_normalized=0, y_min_normalized=.1, x_max_normalized=.2, y_max_normalized=.3 ) print(bbox_label) Args: binary_id ( The ID of the image to add the bounding box to. label (str): A label for the bounding box. x_min_normalized (float): Min X value of the bounding box normalized from 0 to 1. y_min_normalized (float): Min Y value of the bounding box normalized from 0 to 1. x_max_normalized (float): Max X value of the bounding box normalized from 0 to 1. y_max_normalized (float): Max Y value of the bounding box normalized from 0 to 1. Raises: GRPCError: If the X or Y values are outside of the [0, 1] range. Returns: str: The bounding box ID """ request = AddBoundingBoxToImageByIDRequest( label=label, binary_id=binary_id, x_max_normalized=x_max_normalized, x_min_normalized=x_min_normalized, y_max_normalized=y_max_normalized, y_min_normalized=y_min_normalized, ) response: AddBoundingBoxToImageByIDResponse = await self._data_client.AddBoundingBoxToImageByID(request, metadata=self._metadata) return response.bbox_id
[docs] async def remove_bounding_box_from_image_by_id(self, bbox_id: str, binary_id: BinaryID) -> None: """Removes a bounding box from an image. :: from import BinaryID MY_BINARY_ID = BinaryID( file_id=your-file_id, organization_id=your-org-id, location_id=your-location-id ) await data_client.remove_bounding_box_from_image_by_id( binary_id=MY_BINARY_ID, bbox_id="your-bounding-box-id-to-delete" ) Args: bbox_id (str): The ID of the bounding box to remove. Binary_id ( Binary ID of the image to to remove the bounding box from """ request = RemoveBoundingBoxFromImageByIDRequest(bbox_id=bbox_id, binary_id=binary_id) await self._data_client.RemoveBoundingBoxFromImageByID(request, metadata=self._metadata)
[docs] async def bounding_box_labels_by_filter(self, filter: Optional[Filter] = None) -> List[str]: """Get a list of bounding box labels using a `Filter`. :: from import Filter my_filter = Filter(component_name="my_camera") bounding_box_labels = await data_client.bounding_box_labels_by_filter( my_filter) Args: filter ( `Filter` specifying data to retrieve from. If no `Filter` is provided, all labels will return. Returns: List[str]: The list of bounding box labels. """ filter = filter if filter else Filter() request = BoundingBoxLabelsByFilterRequest(filter=filter) response: BoundingBoxLabelsByFilterResponse = await self._data_client.BoundingBoxLabelsByFilter(request, metadata=self._metadata) return list(response.labels)
[docs] async def get_database_connection(self, organization_id: str) -> str: """Get a connection to access a MongoDB Atlas Data federation instance. :: data_client.get_database_connection(org_id="a12b3c4e-1234-1abc-ab1c-ab1c2d345abc") Args: organization_id (str): Organization to retrieve the connection for. Returns: str: The hostname of the federated database. """ request = GetDatabaseConnectionRequest(organization_id=organization_id) response: GetDatabaseConnectionResponse = await self._data_client.GetDatabaseConnection(request, metadata=self._metadata) return response.hostname
[docs] async def configure_database_user(self, organization_id: str, password: str) -> None: """Configure a database user for the Viam organization's MongoDB Atlas Data Federation instance. It can also be used to reset the password of the existing database user. Args: organization_id (str): The ID of the organization. password (str): The password of the user. """ request = ConfigureDatabaseUserRequest(organization_id=organization_id, password=password) await self._data_client.ConfigureDatabaseUser(request, metadata=self._metadata)
[docs] async def create_dataset(self, name: str, organization_id: str) -> str: """Create a new dataset. :: name = await data_client.create_dataset( name="<dataset-name>", organization_id="<your-org-id>" ) print(name) Args: name (str): The name of the dataset being created. organization_id (str): The ID of the organization where the dataset is being created. Returns: str: The dataset ID of the created dataset. """ request = CreateDatasetRequest(name=name, organization_id=organization_id) response: CreateDatasetResponse = await self._dataset_client.CreateDataset(request, metadata=self._metadata) return
[docs] async def list_dataset_by_ids(self, ids: List[str]) -> Sequence[Dataset]: """Get a list of datasets using their IDs. :: datasets = await data_client.list_dataset_by_ids( ids=["abcd-1234xyz-8765z-123abc"] ) print(datasets) Args: ids (List[str]): The IDs of the datasets being called for. Returns: Sequence[Dataset]: The list of datasets. """ request = ListDatasetsByIDsRequest(ids=ids) response: ListDatasetsByIDsResponse = await self._dataset_client.ListDatasetsByIDs(request, metadata=self._metadata) return response.datasets
[docs] async def list_datasets_by_organization_id(self, organization_id: str) -> Sequence[Dataset]: """Get the datasets in an organization. :: datasets = await data_client.list_dataset_by_ids( ids=["abcd-1234xyz-8765z-123abc"] ) print(datasets) Args: organization_id (str): The ID of the organization. Returns: Sequence[Dataset]: The list of datasets in the organization. """ request = ListDatasetsByOrganizationIDRequest(organization_id=organization_id) response: ListDatasetsByOrganizationIDResponse = await self._dataset_client.ListDatasetsByOrganizationID( request, metadata=self._metadata ) return response.datasets
[docs] async def rename_dataset(self, id: str, name: str) -> None: """Rename a dataset specified by the dataset ID. :: await data_client.rename_dataset( id="abcd-1234xyz-8765z-123abc", name="<dataset-name>" ) Args: id (str): The ID of the dataset. name (str): The new name of the dataset. """ request = RenameDatasetRequest(id=id, name=name) await self._dataset_client.RenameDataset(request, metadata=self._metadata)
[docs] async def delete_dataset(self, id: str) -> None: """Delete a dataset. :: await data_client.delete_dataset( id="abcd-1234xyz-8765z-123abc" ) Args: id (str): The ID of the dataset. """ request = DeleteDatasetRequest(id=id) await self._dataset_client.DeleteDataset(request, metadata=self._metadata)
[docs] async def add_binary_data_to_dataset_by_ids(self, binary_ids: List[BinaryID], dataset_id: str) -> None: """Add the BinaryData to the provided dataset. This BinaryData will be tagged with the VIAM_DATASET_{id} label. :: from import BinaryID binary_metadata = await data_client.binary_data_by_filter( include_file_data=False ) my_binary_ids = [] for obj in binary_metadata: my_binary_ids.append( BinaryID(, organization_id=obj.metadata.capture_metadata.organization_id, location_id=obj.metadata.capture_metadata.location_id ) ) await data_client.add_binary_data_to_dataset_by_ids( binary_ids=my_binary_ids, dataset_id="abcd-1234xyz-8765z-123abc" ) Args: binary_ids (List[BinaryID]): The IDs of binary data to add to dataset. dataset_id (str): The ID of the dataset to be added to. """ request = AddBinaryDataToDatasetByIDsRequest(binary_ids=binary_ids, dataset_id=dataset_id) await self._data_client.AddBinaryDataToDatasetByIDs(request, metadata=self._metadata)
[docs] async def remove_binary_data_from_dataset_by_ids(self, binary_ids: List[BinaryID], dataset_id: str) -> None: """Remove the BinaryData from the provided dataset. This BinaryData will lose the VIAM_DATASET_{id} tag. :: from import BinaryID binary_metadata = await data_client.binary_data_by_filter( include_file_data=False ) my_binary_ids = [] for obj in binary_metadata: my_binary_ids.append( BinaryID(, organization_id=obj.metadata.capture_metadata.organization_id, location_id=obj.metadata.capture_metadata.location_id ) ) await data_client.remove_binary_data_from_dataset_by_ids( binary_ids=my_binary_ids, dataset_id="abcd-1234xyz-8765z-123abc" ) Args: binary_ids (List[BinaryID]): The IDs of binary data to remove from dataset. dataset_id (str): The ID of the dataset to be removed from. """ request = RemoveBinaryDataFromDatasetByIDsRequest(binary_ids=binary_ids, dataset_id=dataset_id) await self._data_client.RemoveBinaryDataFromDatasetByIDs(request, metadata=self._metadata)
[docs] async def binary_data_capture_upload( self, binary_data: bytes, part_id: str, component_type: str, component_name: str, method_name: str, file_extension: str, method_parameters: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, data_request_times: Optional[Tuple[datetime, datetime]] = None, ) -> str: """Upload binary sensor data. Upload binary data collected on a robot through a specific component (e.g., a motor) along with the relevant metadata to Binary data can be found under the "Files" subtab of the Data tab on :: time_requested = datetime(2023, 6, 5, 11) time_received = datetime(2023, 6, 5, 11, 0, 3) file_id = await data_client.binary_data_capture_upload( part_id="INSERT YOUR PART ID", component_type='camera', component_name='my_camera', method_name='GetImages', method_parameters=None, tags=["tag_1", "tag_2"], data_request_times=[time_requested, time_received], file_extension=".jpg", binary_data=b"Encoded image bytes" ) Args: binary_data (bytes): The data to be uploaded, represented in bytes. part_id (str): Part ID of the component used to capture the data. component_type (str): Type of the component used to capture the data (e.g., "movement_sensor"). component_name (str): Name of the component used to capture the data. method_name (str): Name of the method used to capture the data. file_extension (str): The file extension of binary data including the period, e.g. .jpg, .png, .pcd. The backend will route the binary to its corresponding mime type based on this extension. Files with a .jpeg, .jpg, or .png extension will be saved to the images tab. method_parameters (Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]): Optional dictionary of method parameters. No longer in active use. tags (Optional[List[str]]): Optional list of tags to allow for tag-based data filtering when retrieving data. data_request_times (Optional[Tuple[datetime.datetime, datetime.datetime]]): Optional tuple containing `datetime`s objects denoting the times this data was requested[0] by the robot and received[1] from the appropriate sensor. Raises: GRPCError: If an invalid part ID is passed. Returns: str: the file_id of the uploaded data. """ sensor_contents = SensorData( metadata=( SensorMetadata( time_requested=datetime_to_timestamp(data_request_times[0]) if data_request_times else None, time_received=datetime_to_timestamp(data_request_times[1]) if data_request_times else None, ) if data_request_times else None ), struct=None, # Used for tabular data. binary=binary_data, ) metadata = UploadMetadata( part_id=part_id, component_type=component_type, component_name=component_name, method_name=method_name, type=DataType.DATA_TYPE_BINARY_SENSOR, method_parameters=method_parameters, tags=tags, ) if file_extension: metadata.file_extension = file_extension if file_extension[0] == "." else f".{file_extension}" response = await self._data_capture_upload(metadata=metadata, sensor_contents=[sensor_contents]) return response.file_id
[docs] async def tabular_data_capture_upload( self, tabular_data: List[Mapping[str, Any]], part_id: str, component_type: str, component_name: str, method_name: str, method_parameters: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, data_request_times: Optional[List[Tuple[datetime, datetime]]] = None, ) -> str: """Upload tabular sensor data. Upload tabular data collected on a robot through a specific component (e.g., a motor) along with the relevant metadata to Tabular data can be found under the "Sensors" subtab of the Data tab on :: time_requested = datetime(2023, 6, 5, 11) time_received = datetime(2023, 6, 5, 11, 0, 3) file_id = await data_client.tabular_data_capture_upload( part_id="INSERT YOUR PART ID", component_type='motor', component_name='left_motor', method_name='IsPowered', tags=["tag_1", "tag_2"], data_request_times=[(time_requested, time_received)], tabular_data=[{'PowerPCT': 0, 'IsPowered': False}] ) Args: tabular_data (List[Mapping[str, Any]]): List of the data to be uploaded, represented tabularly as a collection of dictionaries. part_id (str): Part ID of the component used to capture the data. component_type (str): Type of the component used to capture the data (e.g., "movement_sensor"). component_name (str): Name of the component used to capture the data. method_name (str): Name of the method used to capture the data. method_parameters (Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]): Optional dictionary of method parameters. No longer in active use. tags (Optional[List[str]]): Optional list of tags to allow for tag-based data filtering when retrieving data. data_request_times (Optional[List[Tuple[datetime.datetime, datetime.datetime]]]): Optional list of tuples, each containing `datetime` objects denoting the times this data was requested[0] by the robot and received[1] from the appropriate sensor. Passing a list of tabular data and Timestamps with length n > 1 will result in n datapoints being uploaded, all tied to the same metadata. Raises: GRPCError: If an invalid part ID is passed. ValueError: If a list of `Timestamp` objects is provided and its length does not match the length of the list of tabular data. Returns: str: the file_id of the uploaded data. """ sensor_contents = [] if data_request_times: if len(data_request_times) != len(tabular_data): raise ValueError("data_request_times and tabular_data lengths must be equal.") for idx, tab in enumerate(tabular_data): s = Struct() s.update(tab) sensor_contents.append( SensorData( metadata=( SensorMetadata( time_requested=datetime_to_timestamp(data_request_times[idx][0]) if data_request_times else None, time_received=datetime_to_timestamp(data_request_times[idx][1]) if data_request_times else None, ) if data_request_times[idx] else None ) if data_request_times else None, struct=s, ) ) metadata = UploadMetadata( part_id=part_id, component_type=component_type, component_name=component_name, method_name=method_name, type=DataType.DATA_TYPE_TABULAR_SENSOR, method_parameters=method_parameters, tags=tags, ) response = await self._data_capture_upload(metadata=metadata, sensor_contents=sensor_contents) return response.file_id
async def _data_capture_upload(self, metadata: UploadMetadata, sensor_contents: List[SensorData]) -> DataCaptureUploadResponse: request = DataCaptureUploadRequest(metadata=metadata, sensor_contents=sensor_contents) response: DataCaptureUploadResponse = await self._data_sync_client.DataCaptureUpload(request, metadata=self._metadata) return response
[docs] async def streaming_data_capture_upload( self, data: bytes, part_id: str, file_ext: str, component_type: Optional[str] = None, component_name: Optional[str] = None, method_name: Optional[str] = None, method_parameters: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, data_request_times: Optional[Tuple[datetime, datetime]] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> str: """Uploads the metadata and contents of streaming binary data. :: time_requested = datetime(2023, 6, 5, 11) time_received = datetime(2023, 6, 5, 11, 0, 3) file_id = await data_client.streaming_data_capture_upload( data="byte-data-to-upload", part_id="INSERT YOUR PART ID", file_ext="png", component_type='motor', component_name='left_motor', method_name='IsPowered', data_request_times=[(time_requested, time_received)], tags=["tag_1", "tag_2"] ) Args: data (bytes): the data to be uploaded. part_id (str): Part ID of the resource associated with the file. file_ext (str): file extension type for the data. required for determining MIME type. component_type (Optional[str]): Optional type of the component associated with the file (e.g., "movement_sensor"). component_name (Optional[str]): Optional name of the component associated with the file. method_name (Optional[str]): Optional name of the method associated with the file. method_parameters (Optional[str]): Optional dictionary of the method parameters. No longer in active use. data_request_times (Optional[Tuple[datetime.datetime, datetime.datetime]]): Optional tuple containing `datetime`s objects denoting the times this data was requested[0] by the robot and received[1] from the appropriate sensor. tags (Optional[List[str]]): Optional list of tags to allow for tag-based filtering when retrieving data. Raises: GRPCError: If an invalid part ID is passed. Returns: str: the file_id of the uploaded data. """ upload_metadata = UploadMetadata( part_id=part_id, component_type=component_type if component_type else "", component_name=component_name if component_name else "", method_name=method_name if method_name else "", method_parameters=method_parameters, type=DataType.DATA_TYPE_BINARY_SENSOR, file_extension=file_ext if file_ext[0] == "." else f".{file_ext}", tags=tags, ) sensor_metadata = SensorMetadata( time_requested=datetime_to_timestamp(data_request_times[0]) if data_request_times else None, time_received=datetime_to_timestamp(data_request_times[1]) if data_request_times else None, ) metadata = DataCaptureUploadMetadata(upload_metadata=upload_metadata, sensor_metadata=sensor_metadata) request_metadata = StreamingDataCaptureUploadRequest(metadata=metadata) stream: Stream[StreamingDataCaptureUploadRequest, StreamingDataCaptureUploadResponse] async with as stream: await stream.send_message(request_metadata) await stream.send_message(StreamingDataCaptureUploadRequest(data=data), end=True) response = await stream.recv_message() if not response: await stream.recv_trailing_metadata() # causes us to throw appropriate gRPC error raise TypeError("Response cannot be empty") return response.file_id
[docs] async def file_upload( self, part_id: str, data: bytes, component_type: Optional[str] = None, component_name: Optional[str] = None, method_name: Optional[str] = None, file_name: Optional[str] = None, method_parameters: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, file_extension: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> str: """Upload arbitrary file data. Upload file data that may be stored on a robot along with the relevant metadata to File data can be found under the "Files" subtab of the Data tab on :: file_id = await data_client.file_upload( data=b"Encoded image bytes", part_id="INSERT YOUR PART ID", tags=["tag_1", "tag_2"], file_name="your-file", file_extension=".txt" ) Args: part_id (str): Part ID of the resource associated with the file. data (bytes): Bytes representing file data to upload. component_type (Optional[str]): Optional type of the component associated with the file (e.g., "movement_sensor"). component_name (Optional[str]): Optional name of the component associated with the file. method_name (Optional[str]): Optional name of the method associated with the file. file_name (Optional[str]): Optional name of the file. The empty string "" will be assigned as the file name if one isn't provided. method_parameters (Optional[str]): Optional dictionary of the method parameters. No longer in active use. file_extension (Optional[str]): Optional file extension. The empty string "" will be assigned as the file extension if one isn't provided. Files with a .jpeg, .jpg, or .png extension will be saved to the images tab. tags (Optional[List[str]]): Optional list of tags to allow for tag-based filtering when retrieving data. Raises: GRPCError: If an invalid part ID is passed. Returns: str: ID of the new file. """ metadata = UploadMetadata( part_id=part_id, component_type=component_type if component_type else "", component_name=component_name if component_name else "", method_name=method_name if method_name else "", type=DataType.DATA_TYPE_FILE, file_name=file_name if file_name else "", method_parameters=method_parameters, file_extension=file_extension if file_extension else "", tags=tags, ) response: FileUploadResponse = await self._file_upload(metadata=metadata, file_contents=FileData(data=data)) return response.file_id
[docs] async def file_upload_from_path( self, filepath: str, part_id: str, component_type: Optional[str] = None, component_name: Optional[str] = None, method_name: Optional[str] = None, method_parameters: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> str: """Upload arbitrary file data. Upload file data that may be stored on a robot along with the relevant metadata to File data can be found under the "Files" subtab of the Data tab on :: file_id = await data_client.file_upload_from_path( part_id="INSERT YOUR PART ID", tags=["tag_1", "tag_2"], filepath="/Users/<your-username>/<your-directory>/<your-file.txt>" ) Args: filepath (str): Absolute filepath of file to be uploaded. part_id (str): Part ID of the component associated with the file. component_type (Optional[str]): Optional type of the component associated with the file (e.g., "movement_sensor"). component_name (Optional[str]): Optional name of the component associated with the file. method_name (Optional[str]): Optional name of the method associated with the file. method_parameters (Optional[str]): Optional dictionary of the method parameters. No longer in active use. tags (Optional[List[str]]): Optional list of tags to allow for tag-based filtering when retrieving data. Raises: GRPCError: If an invalid part ID is passed. FileNotFoundError: If the provided filepath is not found. Returns: str: ID of the new file. """ path = Path(filepath) file_name = path.stem file_extension = path.suffix if path.suffix != "" else None f = open(filepath, "rb") data = f.close() metadata = UploadMetadata( part_id=part_id, component_type=component_type if component_type else "", component_name=component_name if component_name else "", method_name=method_name if method_name else "", type=DataType.DATA_TYPE_FILE, file_name=file_name, method_parameters=method_parameters, file_extension=file_extension if file_extension else "", tags=tags, ) response: FileUploadResponse = await self._file_upload(metadata=metadata, file_contents=FileData(data=data if data else bytes())) return response.file_id
async def _file_upload(self, metadata: UploadMetadata, file_contents: FileData) -> FileUploadResponse: request_metadata = FileUploadRequest(metadata=metadata) request_file_contents = FileUploadRequest(file_contents=file_contents) stream: Stream[FileUploadRequest, FileUploadResponse] async with as stream: await stream.send_message(request_metadata) await stream.send_message(request_file_contents, end=True) response = await stream.recv_message() if not response: await stream.recv_trailing_metadata() # causes us to throw appropriate gRPC error. raise TypeError("Response cannot be empty") return response
[docs] @staticmethod def create_filter( component_name: Optional[str] = None, component_type: Optional[str] = None, method: Optional[str] = None, robot_name: Optional[str] = None, robot_id: Optional[str] = None, part_name: Optional[str] = None, part_id: Optional[str] = None, location_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, organization_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, mime_type: Optional[List[str]] = None, start_time: Optional[datetime] = None, end_time: Optional[datetime] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, bbox_labels: Optional[List[str]] = None, dataset_id: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Filter: warnings.warn("DataClient.create_filter is deprecated. Use utils.create_filter instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return create_filter( component_name, component_type, method, robot_name, robot_id, part_name, part_id, location_ids, organization_ids, mime_type, start_time, end_time, tags, bbox_labels, dataset_id, )