import abc
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Dict, Final, Optional
from ..component_base import ComponentBase
from . import Vector3
[docs]class Base(ComponentBase):
Base represents a physical base of a robot.
This acts as an abstract base class for any drivers representing specific
base implementations. This cannot be used on its own. If the ``__init__()`` function is
overridden, it must call the ``super().__init__()`` function.
from viam.components.base import Base
For more information, see `Base component <>`_.
API: Final = API( # pyright: ignore [reportIncompatibleVariableOverride]
[docs] @dataclass
class Properties:
width_meters: float
turning_radius_meters: float
wheel_circumference_meters: float
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod
async def move_straight(
distance: int,
velocity: float,
extra: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
timeout: Optional[float] = None,
Move the base in a straight line the given ``distance``, expressed in millimeters,
at the given ``velocity``, expressed in millimeters per second.
When ``distance`` or ``velocity`` is 0, the base will stop.
This method blocks until completed or cancelled.
my_base = Base.from_robot(robot=machine, name="my_base")
# Move the base 40 mm at a velocity of 90 mm/s, forward.
await my_base.move_straight(distance=40, velocity=90)
# Move the base 40 mm at a velocity of -90 mm/s, backward.
await my_base.move_straight(distance=40, velocity=-90)
distance (int): The distance (in millimeters) to move.
Negative implies backwards.
velocity (float): The velocity (in millimeters per second) to move.
Negative implies backwards.
For more information, see `Base component <>`_.
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod
async def spin(
angle: float,
velocity: float,
extra: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
timeout: Optional[float] = None,
Spin the base in place ``angle`` degrees, at the given angular ``velocity``,
expressed in degrees per second.
When ``velocity`` is 0, the base will stop.
This method blocks until completed or cancelled.
my_base = Base.from_robot(robot=machine, name="my_base")
# Spin the base 10 degrees at an angular velocity of 15 deg/sec.
await my_base.spin(angle=10, velocity=15)
angle (float): The angle (in degrees) to spin.
velocity (float): The angular velocity (in degrees per second)
to spin.
Given a positive angle and a positive velocity, the base will turn to the left.
For more information, see `Base component <>`_.
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod
async def set_power(
linear: Vector3,
angular: Vector3,
extra: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
timeout: Optional[float] = None,
"""Set the linear and angular velocity of the Base
When ``linear`` is 0, the base will spin.
When ``angular`` is 0, the base will move in a straight line.
When both ``linear`` and ``angular`` are 0, the base will stop.
When ``linear`` and ``angular`` are both nonzero, the base will move in an arc,
with a tighter radius if angular power is greater than linear power.
my_base = Base.from_robot(robot=machine, name="my_base")
# Make your wheeled base move forward. Set linear power to 75%.
print("move forward")
await my_base.set_power(
linear=Vector3(x=0, y=-.75, z=0),
angular=Vector3(x=0, y=0, z=0))
# Make your wheeled base move backward. Set linear power to -100%.
print("move backward")
await my_base.set_power(
linear=Vector3(x=0, y=-1.0, z=0),
angular=Vector3(x=0, y=0, z=0))
# Make your wheeled base spin left. Set angular power to 100%.
print("spin left")
await my_base.set_power(
linear=Vector3(x=0, y=0, z=0),
angular=Vector3(x=0, y=0, z=1))
# Make your wheeled base spin right. Set angular power to -75%.
print("spin right")
await my_base.set_power(
linear=Vector3(x=0, y=0, z=0),
angular=Vector3(x=0, y=0, z=-.75))
linear (Vector3): The linear component. Only the Y component is used
for wheeled base. Positive implies forwards.
angular (Vector3): The angular component. Only the Z component is used
for wheeled base. Positive turns left; negative turns right.
For more information, see `Base component <>`_.
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod
async def set_velocity(
linear: Vector3,
angular: Vector3,
extra: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
timeout: Optional[float] = None,
Set the linear and angular velocities of the base.
my_base = Base.from_robot(robot=machine, name="my_base")
# Set the linear velocity to 50 mm/sec and the angular velocity to
# 15 degree/sec.
await my_base.set_velocity(
linear=Vector3(x=0, y=50, z=0), angular=Vector3(x=0, y=0, z=15))
linear (Vector3): Velocity in mm/sec
angular (Vector3): Velocity in deg/sec
For more information, see `Base component <>`_.
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod
async def stop(
extra: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
timeout: Optional[float] = None,
Stop the base.
my_base = Base.from_robot(robot=machine, name="my_base")
# Move the base forward 10 mm at a velocity of 50 mm/s.
await my_base.move_straight(distance=10, velocity=50)
# Stop the base.
await my_base.stop()
For more information, see `Base component <>`_.
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod
async def is_moving(self) -> bool:
Get if the base is currently moving.
my_base = Base.from_robot(robot=machine, name="my_base")
# Check whether the base is currently moving.
moving = await my_base.is_moving()
print('Moving: ', moving)
bool: Whether the base is moving.
For more information, see `Base component <>`_.
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod
async def get_properties(self, *, timeout: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs) -> Properties:
Get the base width and turning radius
my_base = Base.from_robot(robot=machine, name="my_base")
# Get the width and turning radius of the base
properties = await my_base.get_properties()
# Get the width
print(f"Width of base: {properties.width_meters}")
# Get the turning radius
print(f"Turning radius of base: {properties.turning_radius_meters}")
# Get the wheel circumference
print(f"Wheel circumference of base: {properties.wheel_circumference_meters}")
Properties: The properties of the base
For more information, see `Base component <>`_.