Source code for viam.components.input.input

import abc
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Final, List, Optional

from google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2 import Timestamp
from typing_extensions import Self

from viam.components.component_base import ComponentBase
from viam.errors import NotSupportedError
from viam.proto.component.inputcontroller import Event as PBEvent
from viam.resource.types import RESOURCE_NAMESPACE_RDK, RESOURCE_TYPE_COMPONENT, Subtype

[docs]class EventType(str, Enum): """ Represents the type of input event. """ ALL_EVENTS = "AllEvents" """ Callbacks registered for this event will be called in ADDITION to other registered event callbacks. """ CONNECT = "Connect" """ Sent at controller initialization, and on reconnects. """ DISCONNECT = "Disconnect" """ If unplugged, or wireless/network times out. """ BUTTON_PRESS = "ButtonPress" """ Typical key press. """ BUTTON_RELEASE = "ButtonRelease" """ Key release. """ BUTTON_HOLD = "ButtonHold" """ Key is held down. This wil likely be a repeated event. """ BUTTON_CHANGE = "ButtonChange" """ Both up and down for convenience during registration, not typically emitted. """ POSITION_CHANGE_ABSOLUTE = "PositionChangeAbs" """ Absolute position is reported via Value, a la joysticks. """ POSITION_CHANGE_RELATIVE = "PositionChangeRel" """ Relative position is reported via Value, a la mice, or simulating axes with up/down buttons. """
[docs]class Control(str, Enum): """ Control identifies the input (specific Axis or Button) of a controller. """ # Axes ABSOLUTE_X = "AbsoluteX" ABSOLUTE_Y = "AbsoluteY" ABSOLUTE_Z = "AbsoluteZ" ABSOLUTE_RX = "AbsoluteRX" ABSOLUTE_RY = "AbsoluteRY" ABSOLUTE_RZ = "AbsoluteRZ" ABSOLUTE_HAT0_X = "AbsoluteHat0X" ABSOLUTE_HAT0_Y = "AbsoluteHat0Y" # Buttons BUTTON_SOUTH = "ButtonSouth" BUTTON_EAST = "ButtonEast" BUTTON_WEST = "ButtonWest" BUTTON_NORTH = "ButtonNorth" BUTTON_LT = "ButtonLT" BUTTON_RT = "ButtonRT" BUTTON_LT2 = "ButtonLT2" BUTTON_RT2 = "ButtonRT2" BUTTON_L_THUMB = "ButtonLThumb" BUTTON_R_THUMB = "ButtonRThumb" BUTTON_SELECT = "ButtonSelect" BUTTON_START = "ButtonStart" BUTTON_MENU = "ButtonMenu" BUTTON_RECORD = "ButtonRecord" BUTTON_E_STOP = "ButtonEStop" # Pedals ABSOLUTE_PEDAL_ACCELERATOR = "AbsolutePedalAccelerator" ABSOLUTE_PEDAL_BRAKE = "AbsolutePedalBrake" ABSOLUTE_PEDAL_CLUTCH = "AbsolutePedalClutch"
[docs]@dataclass class Event: time: float """seconds since epoch""" event: EventType control: Control value: float """0 or 1 for buttons, -1.0 to +1.0 for axes""" @property def proto(self): dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.time) timestamp = Timestamp() timestamp.FromDatetime(dt) return PBEvent(time=timestamp, event=self.event.value, control=self.control.value, value=self.value)
[docs] @classmethod def from_proto(cls, proto: PBEvent) -> Self: dt = proto.time.ToDatetime() return cls(dt.timestamp(), EventType(proto.event), Control(proto.control), proto.value)
ControlFunction = Callable[[Event], None]
[docs]class Controller(ComponentBase): """ Controller is a logical "container" more than an actual device Could be a single gamepad, or a collection of digitalInterrupts and analogReaders, a keyboard, etc. :: from viam.components.input import Control, Controller, EventType For more information, see `Input Controller component <>`_. """ SUBTYPE: Final = Subtype( # pyright: ignore [reportIncompatibleVariableOverride] RESOURCE_NAMESPACE_RDK, RESOURCE_TYPE_COMPONENT, "input_controller" )
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def get_controls(self, *, extra: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs) -> List[Control]: """ Returns a list of Controls provided by the Controller :: # Get the controller from the machine. my_controller = Controller.from_robot( robot=myRobotWithController, name="my_controller") # Get the list of Controls provided by the controller. controls = await my_controller.get_controls() # Print the list of Controls provided by the controller. print(f"Controls: {controls}") Returns: List[Control]: List of controls provided by the Controller For more information, see `Input Controller component <>`_. """ ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def get_events( self, *, extra: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs ) -> Dict[Control, Event]: """ Returns the most recent Event for each input (which should be the current state) :: # Get the controller from the machine. my_controller = Controller.from_robot( robot=myRobotWithController, name="my_controller") # Get the most recent Event for each Control. recent_events = await my_controller.get_events() # Print out the most recent Event for each Control. print(f"Recent Events: {recent_events}") Returns: Dict[Control, Event]: The most recent event for each input For more information, see `Input Controller component <>`_. """ ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def register_control_callback( self, control: Control, triggers: List[EventType], function: Optional[ControlFunction], *, extra: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs, ): """ Register a function that will fire on given EventTypes for a given Control :: # Define a function to handle pressing the Start Menu Button "BUTTON_START" on # your controller, printing out the start time. def print_start_time(event): print(f"Start Menu Button was pressed at this time: {event.time}") # Define a function that handles the controller. async def handle_controller(controller): # Get the list of Controls on the controller. controls = await controller.get_controls() # If the "BUTTON_START" Control is found, register the function # print_start_time to fire when "BUTTON_START" has the event "ButtonPress" # occur. if Control.BUTTON_START in controls: controller.register_control_callback( Control.BUTTON_START, [EventType.BUTTON_PRESS], print_start_time) else: print("Oops! Couldn't find the start button control! Is your " "controller connected?") exit() while True: await asyncio.sleep(1.0) async def main(): # ... < INSERT CONNECTION CODE FROM MACHINE'S CODE SAMPLE TAB > # Get your controller from the machine. my_controller = Controller.from_robot( robot=myRobotWithController, name="my_controller") # Run the handleController function. await handleController(my_controller) # ... < INSERT ANY OTHER CODE FOR MAIN FUNCTION > Args: control (Control): The control to register the function for triggers (List[EventType]): The events that will trigger the function function (ControlFunction): The function to run on specific triggers For more information, see `Input Controller component <>`_. """ ...
[docs] async def trigger_event( self, event: Event, *, extra: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: # Explicitly return None for typechecking, as this is technically a NoReturn default implementation """Directly send an Event (such as a button press) from external code :: # Define a "Button is Pressed" event for the control BUTTON_START. button_is_pressed_event = Event( time(), EventType.BUTTON_PRESS, Control.BUTTON_START, 1.0) # Trigger the event on your controller. Set this trigger to timeout if it has # not completed in 7 seconds. await myController.trigger_event(event=my_event, timeout=7.0) Args: event (Event): The event to trigger For more information, see `Input Controller component <>`_. """ raise NotSupportedError(f"Input controller named {} does not support triggering events")