Source code for viam.module.module

import argparse
import io
import logging as pylogging
import sys
from inspect import iscoroutinefunction
from threading import Lock
from typing import List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Tuple

from grpclib.utils import _service_name
from typing_extensions import Self

from viam import logging
from viam.errors import ResourceNotFoundError, ValidationError
from import ComponentConfig
from viam.proto.module import (
from viam.proto.robot import ResourceRPCSubtype
from viam.resource.base import ResourceBase
from viam.resource.registry import Registry
from viam.resource.types import RESOURCE_TYPE_COMPONENT, RESOURCE_TYPE_SERVICE, Model, ResourceName, Subtype, resource_name_from_string
from viam.robot.client import RobotClient
from viam.rpc.dial import DialOptions
from viam.rpc.server import Server

from .service import ModuleRPCService
from .types import Reconfigurable, Stoppable

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _parse_module_args() -> argparse.Namespace:
    Parse command-line args. Used by the various `Module` entrypoints.
    p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Start this viam python module")
    p.add_argument("socket_path", help="path where this module will serve a unix socket")
    p.add_argument("--log-level", type=lambda name: pylogging._nameToLevel[name.upper()], default=logging.INFO)
    return p.parse_args()

[docs]class Module: _address: str _parent_address: Optional[str] = None _ready: bool _log_level: int _lock: Lock parent: Optional[RobotClient] = None server: Server
[docs] @classmethod def from_args(cls) -> Self: """Create a new Module with the args provided in the command line. The first argument after the command must be the socket path. If the second argument after the command is "--log-level=debug", the Module's logger will be DEBUG level. Otherwise, it will be INFO level. See LogLevel documentation in the RDK for more information on how to start modules with a "log-level" commandline argument. Raises: Exception: If there is no socket path provided in the command line argument Returns: Module: a new Module instance """ args = _parse_module_args() return cls(args.socket_path, log_level=args.log_level)
[docs] @classmethod async def run_with_models(cls, *models: ResourceBase): """ Module entrypoint that takes a list of ResourceBase implementations. In most cases you'll want to use run_from_registry instead (see below). """ module = cls.from_args() for model in models: if not hasattr(model, "MODEL"): raise TypeError(f"missing MODEL field on {model}. Resource implementations must define MODEL") module.add_model_from_registry(model.SUBTYPE, model.MODEL) # pyright: ignore [reportAttributeAccessIssue] await module.start()
[docs] @classmethod async def run_from_registry(cls): """ Module entrypoint that automatically includes all the resources you've created in your program. Example: if __name__ == '__main__': Full example at examples/easy_resource/ """ module = cls.from_args() for key in Registry.REGISTERED_RESOURCE_CREATORS().keys(): module.add_model_from_registry(*key.split("/")) # pyright: ignore [reportArgumentType] await module.start()
def __init__(self, address: str, *, log_level: int = logging.INFO) -> None: # When a module is launched by viam-server, its stdout is not connected to a tty. In # response, python disables line buffering, which prevents `print` statements from being # immediately flushed to viam-server. This behavior can be confusing, interfere with # debugging, and is non-standard when compared to other languages. Here, stdout and stderr # are reconfigured to immediately flush. if isinstance(sys.stdout, io.TextIOWrapper): sys.stdout.reconfigure(line_buffering=True) if isinstance(sys.stderr, io.TextIOWrapper): sys.stderr.reconfigure(line_buffering=True) self._address = address self.server = Server(resources=[], module_service=ModuleRPCService(self)) self._log_level = log_level self._ready = True self._lock = Lock() async def _connect_to_parent(self): if self.parent is None: if self._parent_address is None: raise ValueError("Parent address not found") self.parent = await RobotClient.at_address( self._parent_address, RobotClient.Options( dial_options=DialOptions(disable_webrtc=True, insecure=True), log_level=self._log_level, ), ) LOGGER.debug("Starting module logging") logging.setParent(self.parent) async def _get_resource(self, name: ResourceName) -> ResourceBase: await self._connect_to_parent() assert self.parent is not None await self.parent.refresh() if name.type == RESOURCE_TYPE_COMPONENT: return self.parent.get_component(name) elif name.type == RESOURCE_TYPE_SERVICE: return self.parent.get_service(name) raise ValueError("Dependency does not describe a component nor a service") async def _get_dependencies(self, dependencies: Sequence[str]) -> Mapping[ResourceName, ResourceBase]: deps: Mapping[ResourceName, ResourceBase] = {} for dep in dependencies: rn = resource_name_from_string(dep) deps[rn] = await self._get_resource(rn) return deps
[docs] async def start(self): """Start the module service and gRPC server""" try: await self.server.serve(log_level=self._log_level, path=self._address) finally: await self.stop()
[docs] async def stop(self): """Stop the module service and gRPC server""" LOGGER.debug("Shutting down module") try: logging.shutdown() if self.parent is not None: await self.parent.close() except Exception as e: LOGGER.error("Encountered error while shutting down module", exc_info=e)
[docs] def set_ready(self, ready: bool): """Set the module's ready state. The module automatically sets to READY on load. Setting to False can be useful in instances where the module is not instantly ready (for example waiting on hardware) Args: ready (bool): Whether the module is ready """ with self._lock: self._ready = ready
[docs] async def add_resource(self, request: AddResourceRequest): dependencies = await self._get_dependencies(request.dependencies) config: ComponentConfig = request.config subtype = Subtype.from_string(config.api) model = Model.from_string(config.model, ignore_errors=True) creator = Registry.lookup_resource_creator(subtype, model) resource = creator(config, dependencies) self.server.register(resource)
[docs] async def reconfigure_resource(self, request: ReconfigureResourceRequest): dependencies = await self._get_dependencies(request.dependencies) config: ComponentConfig = request.config subtype = Subtype.from_string(config.api) name = rn = ResourceName(namespace=subtype.namespace, type=subtype.resource_type, subtype=subtype.resource_subtype, name=name) resource = self.server.get_resource(ResourceBase, rn) if isinstance(resource, Reconfigurable): resource.reconfigure(config, dependencies) else: if isinstance(resource, Stoppable): if iscoroutinefunction(resource.stop): await resource.stop() else: resource.stop() add_request = AddResourceRequest(config=request.config, dependencies=request.dependencies) await self.server.remove_resource(rn) await self.add_resource(add_request)
[docs] async def remove_resource(self, request: RemoveResourceRequest): rn = resource_name_from_string( resource = self.server.get_resource(ResourceBase, rn) if isinstance(resource, Stoppable): if iscoroutinefunction(resource.stop): await resource.stop() else: resource.stop() await self.server.remove_resource(rn)
[docs] async def ready(self, request: ReadyRequest) -> ReadyResponse: self._parent_address = request.parent_address await self._connect_to_parent() svcname_to_models: Mapping[Tuple[str, Subtype], List[Model]] = {} for subtype_model_str in Registry.REGISTERED_RESOURCE_CREATORS().keys(): subtype_str, model_str = subtype_model_str.split("/") subtype = Subtype.from_string(subtype_str) model = Model.from_string(model_str) registration = Registry.lookup_subtype(subtype) service = registration.rpc_service(self.server) service_name = _service_name(service) models = svcname_to_models.get((service_name, subtype), []) models.append(model) svcname_to_models[(service_name, subtype)] = models handlers: List[HandlerDefinition] = [] for key, value in svcname_to_models.items(): svc_name, subtype = key rpc_subtype = ResourceRPCSubtype( subtype=ResourceName( namespace=subtype.namespace, type=subtype.resource_type, subtype=subtype.resource_subtype, name="", ), proto_service=svc_name, ) handler_def = HandlerDefinition(subtype=rpc_subtype, models=[str(model) for model in value]) handlers.append(handler_def) return ReadyResponse(ready=self._ready, handlermap=HandlerMap(handlers=handlers))
[docs] def add_model_from_registry(self, subtype: Subtype, model: Model): """Add a pre-registered model to this Module""" # All we need to do is double check that the model has already been registered try: Registry.lookup_resource_creator(subtype, model) except ResourceNotFoundError: raise ValueError(f"Cannot add model because it has not been registered. Subtype: {subtype}. Model: {model}")
[docs] async def validate_config(self, request: ValidateConfigRequest) -> ValidateConfigResponse: config: ComponentConfig = request.config subtype = Subtype.from_string(config.api) model = Model.from_string(config.model) validator = Registry.lookup_validator(subtype, model) try: dependencies = validator(config) return ValidateConfigResponse(dependencies=dependencies) except Exception as e: raise ValidationError(f"{type(Exception)}: {e}").grpc_error