Source code for viam.robot.client

import asyncio
import sys
import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime
from threading import RLock
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union

from grpclib import GRPCError, Status
from grpclib.client import Channel
from typing_extensions import Self

import viam
from viam import logging
from viam.components.component_base import ComponentBase
from viam.errors import ResourceNotFoundError
from viam.proto.common import LogEntry, PoseInFrame, ResourceName, Transform
from viam.proto.robot import (
from viam.resource.base import ResourceBase
from viam.resource.manager import ResourceManager
from viam.resource.registry import Registry
from viam.resource.rpc_client_base import ReconfigurableResourceRPCClientBase, ResourceRPCClientBase
from viam.rpc.dial import DialOptions, ViamChannel, dial
from import ServiceBase
from viam.sessions_client import SessionsClient
from viam.utils import datetime_to_timestamp, dict_to_struct

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class RobotClient: """gRPC client for a machine. This class should be used for all interactions with a machine. There are 2 ways to instantiate a robot client:: RobotClient.at_address(...) RobotClient.with_channel(...) You can use the client standalone or within a context:: machine = await RobotClient.at_address(...) async with await RobotClient.with_channel(...) as machine: ... You must ``close()`` the machine to release resources. Note: Machines used within a context are automatically closed UNLESS created with a channel. Machines created using ``with_channel`` are not automatically closed. Establish a Connection:: import asyncio from viam.rpc.dial import DialOptions, Credentials from viam.robot.client import RobotClient async def connect(): opts = RobotClient.Options.with_api_key( # Replace "<API-KEY>" (including brackets) with your machine's API key api_key='<API-KEY>', # Replace "<API-KEY-ID>" (including brackets) with your machine's API key ID api_key_id='<API-KEY-ID>' ) return await RobotClient.at_address('<ADDRESS-FROM-THE-VIAM-APP>', opts) async def main(): # Make a RobotClient machine = await connect() print('Resources:') print(machine.resource_names) await machine.close() if __name__ == '__main__': For more information, see `Machine Management API <>`_. """
[docs] @dataclass class Options: refresh_interval: int = 0 """ How often to refresh the status of the parts of the machine in seconds. If not set, the machine will not be refreshed automatically """ dial_options: Optional[DialOptions] = None """ Options used to connect clients to gRPC servers """ log_level: int = logging.INFO """ The log level to output """ check_connection_interval: int = 10 """ The frequency (in seconds) at which to check if the machine is still connected. 0 (zero) signifies no connection checks """ attempt_reconnect_interval: int = 1 """ The frequency (in seconds) at which to attempt to reconnect a disconnected machine. 0 (zero) signifies no reconnection attempts """ disable_sessions: bool = False """ Whether sessions are disabled """
[docs] @classmethod def with_api_key(cls, api_key: str, api_key_id: str, **kwargs) -> Self: """ Create RobotClient.Options with an API key for credentials and default values for other arguments. :: # Replace "<API-KEY>" (including brackets) with your machine's API key api_key = '<API-KEY>' # Replace "<API-KEY-ID>" (including brackets) with your machine's API key ID api_key_id = '<API-KEY-ID>' opts = RobotClient.Options.with_api_key(api_key, api_key_id) machine = await RobotClient.at_address('<ADDRESS-FROM-THE-VIAM-APP>', opts) Args: api_key (str): your API key api_key_id (str): your API key ID. Must be a valid UUID Raises: ValueError: Raised if the api_key_id is not a valid UUID Returns: Self: the RobotClient.Options For more information, see `Establish a connection <>`_. """ self = cls(**kwargs) dial_opts = DialOptions.with_api_key(api_key, api_key_id) self.dial_options = dial_opts return self
[docs] @classmethod async def at_address(cls, address: str, options: Options) -> Self: """Create a robot client that is connected to the machine at the provided address. :: async def connect(): opts = RobotClient.Options.with_api_key( # Replace "<API-KEY>" (including brackets) with your machine's API key api_key='<API-KEY>', # Replace "<API-KEY-ID>" (including brackets) with your machine's API key ID api_key_id='<API-KEY-ID>' ) return await RobotClient.at_address('ADDRESS FROM THE VIAM APP', opts) async def main(): # Make a RobotClient machine = await connect() Args: address (str): Address of the machine (IP address, URL, etc.) options (Options): Options for connecting and refreshing Returns: Self: the RobotClient For more information, see `Establish a connection <>`_. """ logging.setLevel(options.log_level) channel = await dial(address, options.dial_options) machine = await cls._with_channel(channel, options, True) machine._address = address return machine
[docs] @classmethod async def with_channel(cls, channel: Union[Channel, ViamChannel], options: Options) -> Self: """Create a machine that is connected to a machine over the given channel. Any machines created using this method will *NOT* automatically close the channel upon exit. :: from viam.robot.client import RobotClient from viam.rpc.dial import DialOptions, dial async def connect_with_channel() -> RobotClient: async with await dial('ADDRESS', DialOptions()) as channel: return await RobotClient.with_channel(channel, RobotClient.Options()) machine = await connect_with_channel() Args: channel (ViamChannel): The channel that is connected to a machine, obtained by ``viam.rpc.dial`` options (Options): Options for refreshing. Any connection options will be ignored. Returns: Self: the RobotClient For more information, see `Establish a connection <>`_. """ logging.setLevel(options.log_level) return await cls._with_channel(channel, options, False)
@classmethod async def _with_channel(cls, channel: Union[Channel, ViamChannel], options: Options, close_channel: bool): """INTERNAL USE ONLY""" self = cls() if isinstance(channel, Channel): self._channel = channel self._viam_channel = None else: self._channel = self._viam_channel = channel self._connected = True self._client = RobotServiceStub(self._channel) self._manager = ResourceManager() self._lock = RLock() self._resource_names = [] self._should_close_channel = close_channel self._options = options self._address = self._channel._path if self._channel._path else f"{self._channel._host}:{self._channel._port}" self._sessions_client = SessionsClient( self._channel, self._address, self._options.dial_options, disabled=self._options.disable_sessions ) try: await self.refresh() except Exception: LOGGER.error("Unable to establish a connection to the machine. Ensure the machine is online and reachable and try again.") await self.close() raise ConnectionError("Unable to establish a connection to the machine.") if options.refresh_interval > 0: self._refresh_task = asyncio.create_task( self._refresh_every(options.refresh_interval), name=f"{viam._TASK_PREFIX}-robot_refresh_metadata" ) if options.check_connection_interval > 0 or options.attempt_reconnect_interval > 0: self._check_connection_task = asyncio.create_task( self._check_connection(options.check_connection_interval, options.attempt_reconnect_interval), name=f"{viam._TASK_PREFIX}-robot_check_connection", ) return self _channel: Channel _viam_channel: Optional[ViamChannel] _lock: RLock _manager: ResourceManager _client: RobotServiceStub _connected: bool _address: str _options: Options _refresh_task: Optional[asyncio.Task] = None _check_connection_task: Optional[asyncio.Task] = None _resource_names: List[ResourceName] _should_close_channel: bool _closed: bool = False _sessions_client: SessionsClient
[docs] async def refresh(self): """ Manually refresh the underlying parts of this machine. :: await machine.refresh() For more information, see `Machine Management API <>`_. """ response: ResourceNamesResponse = await self._client.ResourceNames(ResourceNamesRequest()) resource_names: List[ResourceName] = list(response.resources) with self._lock: if resource_names == self._resource_names: return for rname in resource_names: if rname.type not in [RESOURCE_TYPE_COMPONENT, RESOURCE_TYPE_SERVICE]: continue if rname.subtype == "remote": continue await self._create_or_reset_client(rname) for rname in self.resource_names: if rname not in resource_names: await self._manager.remove_resource(rname) self._resource_names = resource_names
async def _create_or_reset_client(self, resourceName: ResourceName): if resourceName in self._manager.resources: res = self._manager.get_resource(ResourceBase, resourceName) # If the channel hasn't changed, we don't need to do anything for existing clients if isinstance(res, ResourceRPCClientBase) or (hasattr(res, "channel") and isinstance(getattr(res, "channel"), Channel)): if self._channel is # type: ignore return if isinstance(res, ReconfigurableResourceRPCClientBase): res.reset_channel(self._channel) else: await self._manager.remove_resource(resourceName) self._manager.register( Registry.lookup_api(API.from_resource_name(resourceName)).create_rpc_client(, self._channel) ) else: try: self._manager.register( Registry.lookup_api(API.from_resource_name(resourceName)).create_rpc_client(, self._channel) ) except ResourceNotFoundError: pass async def _refresh_every(self, interval: int): while True: await asyncio.sleep(interval) try: await self.refresh() except Exception as e: LOGGER.error("Failed to refresh status", exc_info=e) async def _check_connection(self, check_every: int, reconnect_every: int): if check_every <= 0: check_every = reconnect_every if check_every <= 0 and reconnect_every <= 0: return while True: await asyncio.sleep(check_every) # Failure to grab resources could be for spurious, non-networking reasons. Try three times just to be safe. connection_error = None for _ in range(3): try: await self._client.ResourceNames(ResourceNamesRequest(), timeout=1) connection_error = None break except Exception as e: connection_error = e await asyncio.sleep(0.1) if connection_error: msg = "Lost connection to machine." if reconnect_every > 0: msg += ( f" Attempting to reconnect to {self._address} every {reconnect_every} second{'s' if reconnect_every != 1 else ''}" ) LOGGER.error(msg, exc_info=connection_error) self._close_channel() self._connected = False if reconnect_every <= 0: continue if self._connected: continue reconnect_attempts = self._options.dial_options.max_reconnect_attempts if self._options.dial_options else 3 for _ in range(reconnect_attempts): try: self._sessions_client.reset() channel = await dial(self._address, self._options.dial_options) client: RobotServiceStub if isinstance(channel, Channel): client = RobotServiceStub(channel) else: client = RobotServiceStub( await client.ResourceNames(ResourceNamesRequest()) if isinstance(channel, Channel): self._channel = channel self._viam_channel = None else: self._channel = self._viam_channel = channel self._client = RobotServiceStub(self._channel) direct_dial_address = self._channel._path if self._channel._path else f"{self._channel._host}:{self._channel._port}" self._sessions_client = SessionsClient( channel=self._channel, direct_dial_address=direct_dial_address, dial_options=self._options.dial_options, disabled=self._options.disable_sessions, ) await self.refresh() self._connected = True LOGGER.debug("Successfully reconnected machine") break except Exception as e: LOGGER.error(f"Failed to reconnect, trying again in {reconnect_every}sec", exc_info=e) self._sessions_client.reset() self._close_channel() await asyncio.sleep(reconnect_every) if not self._connected: # We failed to reconnect, sys.exit() so that this thread doesn't stick around forever. sys.exit()
[docs] def get_component(self, name: ResourceName) -> ComponentBase: """Get a component using its ResourceName. This function should not be called directly except in specific cases. The method ``Component.from_robot(...)`` is the preferred method for obtaining components. :: arm = Arm.from_robot(robot=machine, name="my_arm") Because this function returns a generic ``ComponentBase`` rather than the specific component type, it will be necessary to cast the returned component to the desired component. This can be done using a few different methods: - Assertion:: arm = machine.get_component(Arm.get_resource_name("my_arm")) assert isinstance(arm, Arm) end_pos = await arm.get_end_position() - Explicit cast:: from typing import cast arm = machine.get_component(Arm.get_resource_name("my_arm")) arm = cast(Arm, arm) end_pos = await arm.get_end_position() - Declare type on variable assignment. - Note: If using an IDE, a type error may be shown which can be ignored. :: arm: Arm = machine.get_component(Arm.get_resource_name("my_arm")) # type: ignore end_pos = await arm.get_end_position() Args: name (viam.proto.common.ResourceName): The component's ResourceName Raises: ValueError: Raised if the requested resource is not a component ComponentNotFoundError: Error if component with the given type and name does not exist in the registry Returns: ComponentBase: The component For more information, see `Machine Management API <>`_. """ if name.type != RESOURCE_TYPE_COMPONENT: raise ValueError(f"ResourceName does not describe a component: {name}") with self._lock: return self._manager.get_resource(ComponentBase, name)
[docs] def get_service(self, name: ResourceName) -> ServiceBase: """Get a service using its ResourceName This function should not be called directly except in specific cases. The method ``Service.from_robot(...)`` is the preferred method for obtaining services. :: service = MyService.from_robot(robot=machine, name="my_service") Because this function returns a generic ``ServiceBase`` rather than a specific service type, it will be necessary to cast the returned service to the desired service. This can be done using a few methods: - Assertion:: service = machine.get_service(MyService.get_resource_name("my_service")) assert isinstance(service, MyService) - Explicit cast:: from typing import cast service = machine.get_service(MyService.get_resource_name("my_service")) service = cast(MyService, my_service) - Declare type on variable assignment - Note: If using an IDE, a type error may be shown which can be ignored. :: service: MyService = machine.get_service(MyService.get_resource_name("my_service")) # type: ignore Args: name (viam.proto.common.ResourceName): The service's ResourceName Raises: ValueError: Raised if the requested resource is not a component ComponentNotFoundError: Error if component with the given type and name does not exist in the registry Returns: ServiceBase: The service For more information, see `Machine Management API <>`_. """ if name.type != RESOURCE_TYPE_SERVICE: raise ValueError(f"ResourceName does not describe a service: {name}") with self._lock: return self._manager.get_resource(ServiceBase, name)
@property def resource_names(self) -> List[ResourceName]: """ Get a list of all resource names :: resource_names = machine.resource_names Returns: List[viam.proto.common.ResourceName]: The list of resource names For more information, see `Machine Management API <>`_. """ with self._lock: return [r for r in self._resource_names] def _close_channel(self, *, tab_count=0): tabs = "".join(["\t" for _ in range(tab_count)]) if self._viam_channel is not None: LOGGER.debug(f"{tabs} Closing ViamChannel instance") self._viam_channel.close() else: LOGGER.debug(f"{tabs} Closing grpc-lib Channel instance") self._channel.close()
[docs] async def close(self): """ Cleanly close the underlying connections and stop any periodic tasks. :: await machine.close() For more information, see `Machine Management API <>`_. """ LOGGER.debug("Closing RobotClient") if self._closed: LOGGER.debug("RobotClient is already closed") return try: self._lock.release() except RuntimeError: pass self._sessions_client.reset() # Cancel all tasks created by VIAM LOGGER.debug("Closing tasks spawned by Viam") tasks = [task for task in asyncio.all_tasks() if task.get_name().startswith(viam._TASK_PREFIX)] for task in tasks: LOGGER.debug(f"\tClosing task {task.get_name()}") task.cancel() await asyncio.gather(*tasks, return_exceptions=True) if self._should_close_channel: LOGGER.debug("Closing gRPC channel to remote robot") self._close_channel(tab_count=1) self._closed = True
[docs] async def __aenter__(self): return self
[docs] async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): await self.close()
############## # OPERATIONS # ##############
[docs] async def get_operations(self) -> List[Operation]: """ Get the list of operations currently running on the machine. :: operations = await machine.get_operations() Returns: List[viam.proto.robot.Operation]: The list of operations currently running on a given machine. For more information, see `Machine Management API <>`_. """ request = GetOperationsRequest() response: GetOperationsResponse = await self._client.GetOperations(request) return list(response.operations)
[docs] async def cancel_operation(self, id: str): """ Cancels the specified operation on the machine. :: await machine.cancel_operation("INSERT OPERATION ID") Args: id (str): ID of operation to cancel. For more information, see `Machine Management API <>`_. """ request = CancelOperationRequest(id=id) await self._client.CancelOperation(request)
[docs] async def block_for_operation(self, id: str): """ Blocks on the specified operation on the machine. This function will only return when the specific operation has finished or has been cancelled. :: await machine.block_for_operation("INSERT OPERATION ID") Args: id (str): ID of operation to block on. For more information, see `Machine Management API <>`_. """ request = BlockForOperationRequest(id=id) await self._client.BlockForOperation(request)
################ # FRAME SYSTEM # ################
[docs] async def get_frame_system_config(self, additional_transforms: Optional[List[Transform]] = None) -> List[FrameSystemConfig]: """ Get the configuration of the frame system of a given machine. :: # Get a list of each of the reference frames configured on the machine. frame_system = await machine.get_frame_system_config() print(f"frame system configuration: {frame_system}") Returns: List[viam.proto.robot.FrameSystemConfig]: The configuration of a given machine's frame system. For more information, see `Machine Management API <>`_. """ request = FrameSystemConfigRequest(supplemental_transforms=additional_transforms) response: FrameSystemConfigResponse = await self._client.FrameSystemConfig(request) return list(response.frame_system_configs)
[docs] async def transform_pose( self, query: PoseInFrame, destination: str, additional_transforms: Optional[List[Transform]] = None ) -> PoseInFrame: """ Transform a given source Pose from the reference frame to a new specified destination which is a reference frame. :: from viam.proto.common import Pose, PoseInFrame pose = Pose( x=1.0, # X coordinate in mm y=2.0, # Y coordinate in mm z=3.0, # Z coordinate in mm o_x=0.0, # X component of orientation vector o_y=0.0, # Y component of orientation vector o_z=0.0, # Z component of orientation vector theta=0.0 # Orientation angle in degrees ) pose_in_frame = PoseInFrame( reference_frame="world", pose=pose ) transformed_pose = await machine.transform_pose(pose_in_frame, "world") Args: query (viam.proto.common.PoseInFrame): The pose that should be transformed. destination (str) : The name of the reference frame to transform the given pose to. Returns: PoseInFrame: The pose and the reference frame for the new destination. For more information, see `Machine Management API <>`_. """ request = TransformPoseRequest(source=query, destination=destination, supplemental_transforms=additional_transforms) response: TransformPoseResponse = await self._client.TransformPose(request) return response.pose
[docs] async def transform_point_cloud(self): raise NotImplementedError()
####################### # COMPONENT DISCOVERY # #######################
[docs] async def discover_components( self, queries: List[DiscoveryQuery], ) -> List[Discovery]: """ Deprecated: v0.38.0, use the Discovery Service APIs instead. Get a list of discovered potential component configurations, for example listing different supported resolutions. Currently only works for some cameras. Returns module names for modules. :: from viam.proto.robot import DiscoveryQuery # Define a new discovery query. q = DiscoveryQuery(subtype="camera", model="webcam") # Define a list of discovery queries. qs = [q] # Get component configurations with these queries. component_configs = await machine.discover_components(qs) Args: queries (List[viam.proto.robot.DiscoveryQuery]): The list of component models to lookup potential configurations for. Returns: List[Discovery]: A list of discovered potential component configurations. For more information, see `Machine Management API <>`_. """ request = DiscoverComponentsRequest(queries=queries) response: DiscoverComponentsResponse = await self._client.DiscoverComponents(request) warnings.warn( "RobotClient.discover_components is deprecated. It will be removed on March 10 2025. Use the DiscoveryService APIs instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) LOGGER.warning( "RobotClient.discover_components is deprecated. It will be removed on March 10 2025. Use the DiscoveryService APIs instead." ) return list(response.discovery)
################# # MODULE MODELS # #################
[docs] async def get_models_from_modules( self, ) -> List[ModuleModel]: """ Get a list of all models provided by local and registry modules on the machine. This includes models that are not currently configured on the machine. :: # Get module models module_models = await machine.get_models_from_modules(qs) Args: Returns: List[ModuleModel]: A list of discovered models. """ request = GetModelsFromModulesRequest() response: GetModelsFromModulesResponse = await self._client.GetModelsFromModules(request) return list(response.models)
############ # STOP ALL # ############
[docs] async def stop_all(self, extra: Dict[ResourceName, Dict[str, Any]] = {}): """ Cancel all current and outstanding operations for the machine and stop all actuators and movement. :: # Cancel all current and outstanding operations for the machine and stop all actuators and movement. await machine.stop_all() Args: extra (Dict[viam.proto.common.ResourceName, Dict[str, Any]]): Any extra parameters to pass to the resources' ``stop`` methods, keyed on the resource's ``ResourceName``. For more information, see `Machine Management API <>`_. """ ep: List[StopExtraParameters] = [] for name, params in extra.items(): ep.append(StopExtraParameters(name=name, params=dict_to_struct(params))) request = StopAllRequest(extra=ep) await self._client.StopAll(request)
####### # LOG # #######
[docs] async def log(self, name: str, level: str, time: datetime, message: str, stack: str): """Send log from Python module over gRPC. Create a LogEntry object from the log to send to RDK. Args: name (str): The logger's name. level (str): The level of the log. time (datetime): The log creation time. message (str): The log message. stack (str): The stack information of the log. For more information, see `Machine Management API <>`_. """ entry = LogEntry(level=level, time=datetime_to_timestamp(time), logger_name=name, message=message, stack=stack) request = LogRequest(logs=[entry]) await self._client.Log(request)
###################### # Get Cloud Metadata # ######################
[docs] async def get_cloud_metadata(self) -> GetCloudMetadataResponse: """ Get app-related information about the machine. :: metadata = await machine.get_cloud_metadata() print(metadata.machine_id) print(metadata.machine_part_id) print(metadata.primary_org_id) print(metadata.location_id) Returns: viam.proto.robot.GetCloudMetadataResponse: App-related metadata. For more information, see `Machine Management API <>`_. """ request = GetCloudMetadataRequest() return await self._client.GetCloudMetadata(request)
############ # Shutdown # ############
[docs] async def shutdown(self): """ Shutdown shuts down the machine. :: await machine.shutdown() Raises: GRPCError: Raised with DeadlineExceeded status if shutdown request times out, or if the machine server shuts down before having a chance to send a response. Raised with status Unavailable if server is unavailable, or if machine server is in the process of shutting down when response is ready. For more information, see `Machine Management API <>`_. """ request = ShutdownRequest() try: await self._client.Shutdown(request)"robot shutdown successful") except GRPCError as e: if e.status == Status.INTERNAL or e.status == Status.UNKNOWN:"robot shutdown successful") elif e.status == Status.UNAVAILABLE: LOGGER.warn("server unavailable, likely due to successful robot shutdown") raise e elif e.status == Status.DEADLINE_EXCEEDED: LOGGER.warn("request timeout, robot shutdown may still be successful") raise e else: raise e
###################### # Get Version # ######################
[docs] async def get_version(self) -> GetVersionResponse: """ Get version information about the machine. :: result = await machine.get_version() print(result.platform) print(result.version) print(result.api_version) Returns: viam.proto.robot.GetVersionResponse: Machine version related information. For more information, see `Machine Management API <>`_. """ request = GetVersionRequest() return await self._client.GetVersion(request)
###################### # Get Machine Status # ######################
[docs] async def get_machine_status(self) -> GetMachineStatusResponse: """ Get status information about the machine's resources and configuration. :: machine_status = await machine.get_machine_status() machine_state = machine_status.state resource_statuses = machine_status.resources cloud_metadata = machine_status.resources[0].cloud_metadata config_status = machine_status.config Returns: viam.proto.robot.GetMachineStatusResponse: current status of the machine (initializing or running), resources (List[ResourceStatus]) and config of the machine. For more information, see `Machine Management API <>`_. """ request = GetMachineStatusRequest() return await self._client.GetMachineStatus(request)