Source code for

import abc
import sys
from typing import Any, Final, Mapping, Optional, Sequence

if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
    from typing import TypeAlias
    from typing_extensions import TypeAlias

from viam.proto.common import GeoGeometry, Geometry, GeoPoint, Pose, PoseInFrame, ResourceName, Transform, WorldState
from viam.proto.service.motion import Constraints, GetPlanResponse, MotionConfiguration, PlanStatusWithID
from viam.resource.types import RESOURCE_NAMESPACE_RDK, RESOURCE_TYPE_SERVICE, Subtype
from viam.utils import ValueTypes

from ..service_base import ServiceBase

[docs]class Motion(ServiceBase): """Motion is a Viam service that coordinates motion planning across all of the components in a given robot. The motion planning service calculates a valid path that avoids self collision by default. If additional constraints are supplied in the ``world_state`` message, the motion planning service will also account for those. For more information, see `Motion service <>`_. """ Plan: "TypeAlias" = GetPlanResponse SUBTYPE: Final = Subtype( # pyright: ignore [reportIncompatibleVariableOverride] RESOURCE_NAMESPACE_RDK, RESOURCE_TYPE_SERVICE, "motion" )
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def move( self, component_name: ResourceName, destination: PoseInFrame, world_state: Optional[WorldState] = None, constraints: Optional[Constraints] = None, *, extra: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None, ) -> bool: """Plan and execute a movement to move the component specified to its goal destination. Note: Frames designated with respect to components can also be used as the ``component_name`` when calling for a move. This technique allows for planning and moving the frame itself to the ``destination``. To do so, simply create a resource name with originating ReferenceFrame's name. Then pass in the resource name into ``component_name``. Ex:: resource_name = Arm.get_resource_name("externalFrame") success = await MotionServiceClient.move(resource_name, ...) :: motion = MotionClient.from_robot(robot=robot, name="builtin") # Assumes a gripper configured with name "my_gripper" on the machine gripper_name = Gripper.get_resource_name("my_gripper") my_frame = "my_gripper_offset" goal_pose = Pose(x=0, y=0, z=300, o_x=0, o_y=0, o_z=1, theta=0) # Move the gripper moved = await motion.move(component_name=gripper_name, destination=PoseInFrame(reference_frame="myFrame", pose=goal_pose), world_state=worldState, constraints={}, extra={}) Args: component_name (viam.proto.common.ResourceName): Name of a component on a given robot. destination (viam.proto.common.PoseInFrame): The destination to move to, expressed as a ``Pose`` and the frame in which it was observed. world_state (viam.proto.common.WorldState): When supplied, the motion service will create a plan that obeys any constraints expressed in the WorldState message. constraints (viam.proto.service.motion.Constraints): When supplied, the motion service will create a plan that obeys any specified constraints. Returns: bool: Whether the move was successful. For more information, see `Motion service <>`_. """ ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def move_on_globe( self, component_name: ResourceName, destination: GeoPoint, movement_sensor_name: ResourceName, obstacles: Optional[Sequence[GeoGeometry]] = None, heading: Optional[float] = None, configuration: Optional[MotionConfiguration] = None, *, bounding_regions: Optional[Sequence[GeoGeometry]] = None, extra: Optional[Mapping[str, ValueTypes]] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None, ) -> str: """Move a component to a specific latitude and longitude, using a ``MovementSensor`` to check the location. ``move_on_globe()`` is non blocking, meaning the motion service will move the component to the destination GPS point after ``move_on_globe()`` returns. Each successful ``move_on_globe()`` call returns a unique ExecutionID which you can use to identify all plans generated during the ``move_on_globe()`` call. You can monitor the progress of the ``move_on_globe()`` call by querying ``get_plan()`` and ``list_plan_statuses()``. :: motion = MotionClient.from_robot(robot=robot, name="builtin") # Get the ResourceNames of the base and movement sensor my_base_resource_name = Base.get_resource_name("my_base") mvmnt_sensor_resource_name = MovementSensor.get_resource_name( "my_movement_sensor") # Define a destination GeoPoint at the GPS coordinates [0, 0] my_destination = movement_sensor.GeoPoint(latitude=0, longitude=0) # Move the base component to the designated geographic location, as reported by the movement sensor execution_id = await motion.move_on_globe( component_name=my_base_resource_name, destination=my_destination, movement_sensor_name=mvmnt_sensor_resource_name) Args: component_name (ResourceName): The ResourceName of the base to move. destination (GeoPoint): The location of the component's destination, represented in geographic notation as a GeoPoint (lat, lng). movement_sensor_name (ResourceName): The ResourceName of the movement sensor that you want to use to check the machine's location. obstacles (Optional[Sequence[GeoGeometry]]): Obstacles to consider when planning the motion of the component, with each represented as a GeoGeometry. Default: None heading (Optional[float]): The compass heading, in degrees, that the machine's movement sensor should report at the destination point. Range: [0-360) 0: North, 90: East, 180: South, 270: West. Default: None configuration (Optional[MotionConfiguration]): The configuration you want to set across this machine for this motion service. This parameter and each of its fields are optional. - obstacle_detectors (Sequence[ObstacleDetector]): The names of each vision service and camera resource pair you want to use for transient obstacle avoidance. - position_polling_frequency_hz (float): The frequency in Hz to poll the position of the machine. - obstacle_polling_frequency_hz (float): The frequency in Hz to poll the vision service for new obstacles. - plan_deviation_m (float): The distance in meters that the machine can deviate from the motion plan. - linear_m_per_sec (float): Linear velocity this machine should target when moving. - angular_degs_per_sec (float): Angular velocity this machine should target when turning. bounding_regions (Optional[Sequence[GeoGeometry]]): Set of obstacles which the robot must remain within while navigating extra (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]): Extra options to pass to the underlying RPC call. timeout (Optional[float]): An option to set how long to wait (in seconds) before calling a time-out and closing the underlying RPC call. Returns: str: ExecutionID of the ``move_on_globe()`` call, which can be used to track execution progress. For more information, see `Motion service <>`_. """ ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def move_on_map( self, component_name: ResourceName, destination: Pose, slam_service_name: ResourceName, configuration: Optional[MotionConfiguration] = None, obstacles: Optional[Sequence[Geometry]] = None, *, extra: Optional[Mapping[str, ValueTypes]] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None, ) -> str: """ Move a component to a specific pose, using a ``SlamService`` for the SLAM map, using a ``SLAM Service`` to check the location. ``move_on_map()`` is non blocking, meaning the motion service will move the component to the destination Pose point after ``move_on_map()`` returns. Each successful ``move_on_map()`` call returns a unique ExecutionID which you can use to identify all plans generated during the ``move_on_map()`` call. You can monitor the progress of the ``move_on_map()`` call by querying ``get_plan()`` and ``list_plan_statuses()``. :: motion = MotionClient.from_robot(robot=robot, name="builtin") # Get the ResourceNames of the base component and SLAM service my_base_resource_name = Base.get_resource_name("my_base") my_slam_service_name = SLAMClient.get_resource_name("my_slam_service") # Define a destination pose with respect to the origin of the map from the SLAM service "my_slam_service" my_pose = Pose(y=10) # Move the base component to the destination pose of Y=10, a location of # (0, 10, 0) in respect to the origin of the map execution_id = await motion.move_on_map(component_name=my_base_resource_name, destination=my_pose, slam_service_name=my_slam_service_name) Args: component_name (ResourceName): The ResourceName of the base to move. destination (Pose): The destination, which can be any Pose with respect to the SLAM map's origin. slam_service_name (ResourceName): The ResourceName of the SLAM service from which the SLAM map is requested. configuration (Optional[MotionConfiguration]): The configuration you want to set across this machine for this motion service. This parameter and each of its fields are optional. - obstacle_detectors (Sequence[ObstacleDetector]): The names of each vision service and camera resource pair you want to use for transient obstacle avoidance. - position_polling_frequency_hz (float): The frequency in hz to poll the position of the machine. - obstacle_polling_frequency_hz (float): The frequency in hz to poll the vision service for new obstacles. - plan_deviation_m (float): The distance in meters that the machine can deviate from the motion plan. - linear_m_per_sec (float): Linear velocity this machine should target when moving. - angular_degs_per_sec (float): Angular velocity this machine should target when turning. obstacles (Optional[Sequence[Geometry]]): Obstacles to be considered for motion planning. extra (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]): Extra options to pass to the underlying RPC call. timeout (Optional[float]): An option to set how long to wait (in seconds) before calling a time-out and closing the underlying RPC call. Returns: str: ExecutionID of the ``move_on_map()`` call, which can be used to track execution progress. For more information, see `Motion service <>`_. """ ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def stop_plan( self, component_name: ResourceName, *, extra: Optional[Mapping[str, ValueTypes]] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None, ): """Stop a component being moved by an in progress ``move_on_globe()`` or ``move_on_map()`` call. :: # Assuming a `move_on_globe()` started the execution # Stop the base component which was instructed to move by `move_on_globe()` # or `move_on_map()` my_base_resource_name = Base.get_resource_name("my_base") await motion.stop_plan(component_name=mvmnt_sensor) Args: component_name (ResourceName): The component to stop For more information, see `Motion service <>`_. """ ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def get_plan( self, component_name: ResourceName, last_plan_only: bool = False, execution_id: Optional[str] = None, *, extra: Optional[Mapping[str, ValueTypes]] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None, ) -> Plan: """By default: returns the plan history of the most recent ``move_on_globe()`` or ``move_on_map()`` call to move a component. The plan history for executions before the most recent can be requested by providing an ExecutionID in the request. Returns a result if both of the following conditions are met: - the execution (call to ``move_on_globe()`` or ``move_on_map()``) is still executing **or** changed state within the last 24 hours - the robot has not reinitialized Plans never change. Replans always create new plans. Replans share the ExecutionID of the previously executing plan. All repeated fields are in time ascending order. :: motion = MotionClient.from_robot(robot=robot, name="builtin") my_base_resource_name = Base.get_resource_name("my_base") # Get the plan(s) of the base component which was instructed to move by `MoveOnGlobe()` or `MoveOnMap()` resp = await motion.get_plan(component_name=my_base_resource_name) Args: component_name (ResourceName): The component to stop last_plan_only (Optional[bool]): If supplied, the response will only return the last plan for the component / execution. execution_id (Optional[str]): If supplied, the response will only return plans with the provided execution_id. Returns: ``GetPlanResponse`` (GetPlanResponse): The current PlanWithStatus & replan history which matches the request For more information, see `Motion service <>`_. """ ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def list_plan_statuses( self, only_active_plans: bool = False, *, extra: Optional[Mapping[str, ValueTypes]] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None, ) -> Sequence[PlanStatusWithID]: """Returns the statuses of plans created by `move_on_globe()` or ``move_on_map()`` calls that meet at least one of the following conditions since the motion service initialized: - the plan's status is in progress - the plan's status changed state within the last 24 hours All repeated fields are in chronological order. :: motion = MotionClient.from_robot(robot=robot, name="builtin") # List the plan statuses of the motion service within the TTL resp = await motion.list_plan_statuses() Args: only_active_plans (Optional[bool]): If supplied, the response will filter out any plans that are not executing. Returns: ``ListPlanStatusesResponse`` (ListPlanStatusesResponse): List of last known statuses with the associated IDs of all plans within the TTL ordered by timestamp in ascending order. For more information, see `Motion service <>`_. """ ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def get_pose( self, component_name: ResourceName, destination_frame: str, supplemental_transforms: Optional[Sequence[Transform]] = None, *, extra: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None, ) -> PoseInFrame: """ Get the Pose and observer frame for any given component on a robot. :: # Note that the example uses the ``Arm`` class, but any component class that inherits from ``ComponentBase`` will work # (``Base``, ``Gripper``, etc). # Create a `component_name`: component_name = Arm.get_resource_name("arm") from viam.components.gripper import Gripper from import MotionClient # Assume that the connect function is written and will return a valid machine. robot = await connect() motion = MotionClient.from_robot(robot=robot, name="builtin") gripperName = Gripper.get_resource_name("my_gripper") gripperPoseInWorld = await motion.get_pose(component_name=gripperName, destination_frame="world") Args: component_name (viam.proto.common.ResourceName): Name of a component on a robot. destination_frame (str): Name of the desired reference frame. supplemental_transforms (Optional[List[viam.proto.common.Transform]]): Transforms used to augment the robot's frame while calculating pose. Returns: ``Pose`` (PoseInFrame): Pose of the given component and the frame in which it was observed. For more information, see `Motion service <>`_. """ ...