import abc
import sys
from typing import Final, List, Optional
from viam.proto.service.slam import GetPropertiesResponse
from ..service_base import ServiceBase
from . import Pose
if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
from typing import TypeAlias
from typing_extensions import TypeAlias
[docs]class SLAM(ServiceBase):
SLAM represents a SLAM service.
This acts as an abstract base class for any drivers representing specific
arm implementations. This cannot be used on its own. If the ``__init__()`` function is
overridden, it must call the ``super().__init__()`` function.
For more information, see `SLAM service <>`_.
API: Final = API(RESOURCE_NAMESPACE_RDK, RESOURCE_TYPE_SERVICE, "slam") # pyright: ignore [reportIncompatibleVariableOverride]
Properties: "TypeAlias" = GetPropertiesResponse
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod
async def get_internal_state(self, *, timeout: Optional[float]) -> List[bytes]:
Get the internal state of the SLAM algorithm required to continue mapping/localization.
slam = SLAMClient.from_robot(robot=machine, name="my_slam_service")
# Get the internal state of the SLAM algorithm required to continue mapping/localization.
internal_state = await slam.get_internal_state()
List[GetInternalStateResponse]: Chunks of the internal state of the SLAM algorithm
For more information, see `SLAM service <>`_.
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod
async def get_point_cloud_map(self, return_edited_map: bool = False, *, timeout: Optional[float]) -> List[bytes]:
Get the point cloud map.
slam_svc = SLAMClient.from_robot(robot=machine, name="my_slam_service")
# Get the point cloud map in standard PCD format.
pcd_map = await slam_svc.get_point_cloud_map()
return_edited_map (bool): signal to the SLAM service to return an edited map, if the map package contains one and if
the SLAM service supports the feature
List[GetPointCloudMapResponse]: Complete pointcloud in standard PCD format. Chunks of the PointCloud, concatenating all
GetPointCloudMapResponse.point_cloud_pcd_chunk values.
For more information, see `SLAM service <>`_.
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod
async def get_position(self, *, timeout: Optional[float]) -> Pose:
Get current position of the specified component in the SLAM Map.
slam_svc = SLAMClient.from_robot(robot=machine, name="my_slam_service")
# Get the current position of the specified source component in the SLAM map as a Pose.
pose = await slam.get_position()
Pose: The current position of the specified component
For more information, see `SLAM service <>`_.
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod
async def get_properties(self, *, timeout: Optional[float]) -> Properties:
Get information regarding the current SLAM session.
slam_svc = SLAMClient.from_robot(robot=machine, name="my_slam_service")
# Get the properties of your current SLAM session.
slam_properties = await slam_svc.get_properties()
Properties: The properties of SLAM
For more information, see `SLAM service <>`_.