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Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using



Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using


AnswerRequest is the SDP offer that the controlling side is making via the answering


AnswerRequestDoneStage indicates the controller is done responding with candidates.


AnswerRequestErrorStage indicates the exchange has failed with an error.


AnswerRequestInitStage is the first and a one time stage that represents the


AnswerRequestUpdateStage is multiply used to trickle in ICE candidates to


AnswerResponse is the SDP answer that an answerer responds with.


AnswerResponseDoneStage indicates the answerer is done responding with candidates.


AnswerResponseErrorStage indicates the exchange has failed with an error.


AnswerResponseInitStage is the first and a one time stage that represents the


AnswerResponseUpdateStage is multiply used to trickle in ICE candidates to


CallRequest is the SDP offer that the controlling side is making.


CallResponse is the SDP answer that the controlled side responds with.


CallResponseInitStage is the first and a one time stage that represents


CallResponseUpdateStage is multiply used to trickle in ICE candidates from


CallUpdateRequest updates the call with additional info to the controlled side.


CallUpdateResponse contains nothing in response to a call update.


ICECandidate represents an ICE candidate.


ICEServer describes an ICE server.


OptionalWebRTCConfigRequest is the request for getting an optional WebRTC config


OptionalWebRTCConfigResponse contains the optional WebRTC config


WebRTCConfig represents parts of a WebRTC config.

Module Contents

class viam.proto.rpc.webrtc.signaling.SignalingServiceBase[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.

abstract Call(stream: grpclib.server.Stream[proto.rpc.webrtc.v1.signaling_pb2.CallRequest, proto.rpc.webrtc.v1.signaling_pb2.CallResponse]) None[source]

abstract CallUpdate(stream: grpclib.server.Stream[proto.rpc.webrtc.v1.signaling_pb2.CallUpdateRequest, proto.rpc.webrtc.v1.signaling_pb2.CallUpdateResponse]) None[source]

abstract Answer(stream: grpclib.server.Stream[proto.rpc.webrtc.v1.signaling_pb2.AnswerResponse, proto.rpc.webrtc.v1.signaling_pb2.AnswerRequest]) None[source]

abstract OptionalWebRTCConfig(stream: grpclib.server.Stream[proto.rpc.webrtc.v1.signaling_pb2.OptionalWebRTCConfigRequest, proto.rpc.webrtc.v1.signaling_pb2.OptionalWebRTCConfigResponse]) None[source]

__mapping__() Dict[str, grpclib.const.Handler][source]
class viam.proto.rpc.webrtc.signaling.SignalingServiceStub(channel: grpclib.client.Channel)[source]
class viam.proto.rpc.webrtc.signaling.UnimplementedSignalingServiceBase[source]

Bases: SignalingServiceBase

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.

async Call(stream: grpclib.server.Stream[proto.rpc.webrtc.v1.signaling_pb2.CallRequest, proto.rpc.webrtc.v1.signaling_pb2.CallResponse]) None[source]
async CallUpdate(stream: grpclib.server.Stream[proto.rpc.webrtc.v1.signaling_pb2.CallUpdateRequest, proto.rpc.webrtc.v1.signaling_pb2.CallUpdateResponse]) None[source]
async Answer(stream: grpclib.server.Stream[proto.rpc.webrtc.v1.signaling_pb2.AnswerResponse, proto.rpc.webrtc.v1.signaling_pb2.AnswerRequest]) None[source]
async OptionalWebRTCConfig(stream: grpclib.server.Stream[proto.rpc.webrtc.v1.signaling_pb2.OptionalWebRTCConfigRequest, proto.rpc.webrtc.v1.signaling_pb2.OptionalWebRTCConfigResponse]) None[source]
class viam.proto.rpc.webrtc.signaling.AnswerRequest(*, uuid: str = ..., init: global___AnswerRequestInitStage | None = ..., update: global___AnswerRequestUpdateStage | None = ..., done: global___AnswerRequestDoneStage | None = ..., error: global___AnswerRequestErrorStage | None = ...)

Bases: google.protobuf.message.Message

AnswerRequest is the SDP offer that the controlling side is making via the answering stream.

uuid: str
property init: global___AnswerRequestInitStage
property update: global___AnswerRequestUpdateStage
property done: global___AnswerRequestDoneStage

done is sent when the requester is done sending information

property error: global___AnswerRequestErrorStage

error is sent any time before done

HasField(field_name: Literal['done', b'done', 'error', b'error', 'init', b'init', 'stage', b'stage', 'update', b'update']) bool

Checks if a certain field is set for the message.

For a oneof group, checks if any field inside is set. Note that if the field_name is not defined in the message descriptor, ValueError will be raised.


field_name (str) – The name of the field to check for presence.


Whether a value has been set for the named field.

Return type:



ValueError – if the field_name is not a member of this message.

WhichOneof(oneof_group: Literal['stage', b'stage']) Literal['init', 'update', 'done', 'error'] | None

Returns the name of the field that is set inside a oneof group.

If no field is set, returns None.


oneof_group (str) – the name of the oneof group to check.


The name of the group that is set, or None.

Return type:

str or None


ValueError – no group with the given name exists

class viam.proto.rpc.webrtc.signaling.AnswerRequestDoneStage

Bases: google.protobuf.message.Message

AnswerRequestDoneStage indicates the controller is done responding with candidates.

class viam.proto.rpc.webrtc.signaling.AnswerRequestErrorStage(*, status: google.rpc.status_pb2.Status | None = ...)

Bases: google.protobuf.message.Message

AnswerRequestErrorStage indicates the exchange has failed with an error.

property status: google.rpc.status_pb2.Status
HasField(field_name: Literal['status', b'status']) bool

Checks if a certain field is set for the message.

For a oneof group, checks if any field inside is set. Note that if the field_name is not defined in the message descriptor, ValueError will be raised.


field_name (str) – The name of the field to check for presence.


Whether a value has been set for the named field.

Return type:



ValueError – if the field_name is not a member of this message.

class viam.proto.rpc.webrtc.signaling.AnswerRequestInitStage(*, sdp: str = ..., optional_config: global___WebRTCConfig | None = ..., deadline: google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp | None = ...)

Bases: google.protobuf.message.Message

AnswerRequestInitStage is the first and a one time stage that represents the callers initial SDP request to the controlled (answerer) side.

sdp: str
property optional_config: global___WebRTCConfig
property deadline: google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp
HasField(field_name: Literal['_deadline', b'_deadline', 'deadline', b'deadline', 'optional_config', b'optional_config']) bool

Checks if a certain field is set for the message.

For a oneof group, checks if any field inside is set. Note that if the field_name is not defined in the message descriptor, ValueError will be raised.


field_name (str) – The name of the field to check for presence.


Whether a value has been set for the named field.

Return type:



ValueError – if the field_name is not a member of this message.

WhichOneof(oneof_group: Literal['_deadline', b'_deadline']) Literal['deadline'] | None

Returns the name of the field that is set inside a oneof group.

If no field is set, returns None.


oneof_group (str) – the name of the oneof group to check.


The name of the group that is set, or None.

Return type:

str or None


ValueError – no group with the given name exists

class viam.proto.rpc.webrtc.signaling.AnswerRequestUpdateStage(*, candidate: global___ICECandidate | None = ...)

Bases: google.protobuf.message.Message

AnswerRequestUpdateStage is multiply used to trickle in ICE candidates to the controlled (answerer) side.

property candidate: global___ICECandidate
HasField(field_name: Literal['candidate', b'candidate']) bool

Checks if a certain field is set for the message.

For a oneof group, checks if any field inside is set. Note that if the field_name is not defined in the message descriptor, ValueError will be raised.


field_name (str) – The name of the field to check for presence.


Whether a value has been set for the named field.

Return type:



ValueError – if the field_name is not a member of this message.

class viam.proto.rpc.webrtc.signaling.AnswerResponse(*, uuid: str = ..., init: global___AnswerResponseInitStage | None = ..., update: global___AnswerResponseUpdateStage | None = ..., done: global___AnswerResponseDoneStage | None = ..., error: global___AnswerResponseErrorStage | None = ...)

Bases: google.protobuf.message.Message

AnswerResponse is the SDP answer that an answerer responds with.

uuid: str
property init: global___AnswerResponseInitStage
property update: global___AnswerResponseUpdateStage
property done: global___AnswerResponseDoneStage

done is sent when the answerer is done sending information

property error: global___AnswerResponseErrorStage

error is sent any time before done

HasField(field_name: Literal['done', b'done', 'error', b'error', 'init', b'init', 'stage', b'stage', 'update', b'update']) bool

Checks if a certain field is set for the message.

For a oneof group, checks if any field inside is set. Note that if the field_name is not defined in the message descriptor, ValueError will be raised.


field_name (str) – The name of the field to check for presence.


Whether a value has been set for the named field.

Return type:



ValueError – if the field_name is not a member of this message.

WhichOneof(oneof_group: Literal['stage', b'stage']) Literal['init', 'update', 'done', 'error'] | None

Returns the name of the field that is set inside a oneof group.

If no field is set, returns None.


oneof_group (str) – the name of the oneof group to check.


The name of the group that is set, or None.

Return type:

str or None


ValueError – no group with the given name exists

class viam.proto.rpc.webrtc.signaling.AnswerResponseDoneStage

Bases: google.protobuf.message.Message

AnswerResponseDoneStage indicates the answerer is done responding with candidates.

class viam.proto.rpc.webrtc.signaling.AnswerResponseErrorStage(*, status: google.rpc.status_pb2.Status | None = ...)

Bases: google.protobuf.message.Message

AnswerResponseErrorStage indicates the exchange has failed with an error.

property status: google.rpc.status_pb2.Status
HasField(field_name: Literal['status', b'status']) bool

Checks if a certain field is set for the message.

For a oneof group, checks if any field inside is set. Note that if the field_name is not defined in the message descriptor, ValueError will be raised.


field_name (str) – The name of the field to check for presence.


Whether a value has been set for the named field.

Return type:



ValueError – if the field_name is not a member of this message.

class viam.proto.rpc.webrtc.signaling.AnswerResponseInitStage(*, sdp: str = ...)

Bases: google.protobuf.message.Message

AnswerResponseInitStage is the first and a one time stage that represents the answerers initial SDP response to the controlling side.

sdp: str
class viam.proto.rpc.webrtc.signaling.AnswerResponseUpdateStage(*, candidate: global___ICECandidate | None = ...)

Bases: google.protobuf.message.Message

AnswerResponseUpdateStage is multiply used to trickle in ICE candidates to the controlling side.

property candidate: global___ICECandidate
HasField(field_name: Literal['candidate', b'candidate']) bool

Checks if a certain field is set for the message.

For a oneof group, checks if any field inside is set. Note that if the field_name is not defined in the message descriptor, ValueError will be raised.


field_name (str) – The name of the field to check for presence.


Whether a value has been set for the named field.

Return type:



ValueError – if the field_name is not a member of this message.

class viam.proto.rpc.webrtc.signaling.CallRequest(*, sdp: str = ..., disable_trickle: bool = ...)

Bases: google.protobuf.message.Message

CallRequest is the SDP offer that the controlling side is making.

sdp: str
disable_trickle: bool

when disable_trickle is true, the init stage will be the only stage to be received in the response and the caller can expect the SDP to contain all ICE candidates.

class viam.proto.rpc.webrtc.signaling.CallResponse(*, uuid: str = ..., init: global___CallResponseInitStage | None = ..., update: global___CallResponseUpdateStage | None = ...)

Bases: google.protobuf.message.Message

CallResponse is the SDP answer that the controlled side responds with.

uuid: str
property init: global___CallResponseInitStage
property update: global___CallResponseUpdateStage
HasField(field_name: Literal['init', b'init', 'stage', b'stage', 'update', b'update']) bool

Checks if a certain field is set for the message.

For a oneof group, checks if any field inside is set. Note that if the field_name is not defined in the message descriptor, ValueError will be raised.


field_name (str) – The name of the field to check for presence.


Whether a value has been set for the named field.

Return type:



ValueError – if the field_name is not a member of this message.

WhichOneof(oneof_group: Literal['stage', b'stage']) Literal['init', 'update'] | None

Returns the name of the field that is set inside a oneof group.

If no field is set, returns None.


oneof_group (str) – the name of the oneof group to check.


The name of the group that is set, or None.

Return type:

str or None


ValueError – no group with the given name exists

class viam.proto.rpc.webrtc.signaling.CallResponseInitStage(*, sdp: str = ...)

Bases: google.protobuf.message.Message

CallResponseInitStage is the first and a one time stage that represents the initial response to starting a call.

sdp: str
class viam.proto.rpc.webrtc.signaling.CallResponseUpdateStage(*, candidate: global___ICECandidate | None = ...)

Bases: google.protobuf.message.Message

CallResponseUpdateStage is multiply used to trickle in ICE candidates from the controlled (answering) side.

property candidate: global___ICECandidate
HasField(field_name: Literal['candidate', b'candidate']) bool

Checks if a certain field is set for the message.

For a oneof group, checks if any field inside is set. Note that if the field_name is not defined in the message descriptor, ValueError will be raised.


field_name (str) – The name of the field to check for presence.


Whether a value has been set for the named field.

Return type:



ValueError – if the field_name is not a member of this message.

class viam.proto.rpc.webrtc.signaling.CallUpdateRequest(*, uuid: str = ..., candidate: global___ICECandidate | None = ..., done: bool = ..., error: google.rpc.status_pb2.Status | None = ...)

Bases: google.protobuf.message.Message

CallUpdateRequest updates the call with additional info to the controlled side.

uuid: str
done: bool
property candidate: global___ICECandidate
property error: google.rpc.status_pb2.Status
HasField(field_name: Literal['candidate', b'candidate', 'done', b'done', 'error', b'error', 'update', b'update']) bool

Checks if a certain field is set for the message.

For a oneof group, checks if any field inside is set. Note that if the field_name is not defined in the message descriptor, ValueError will be raised.


field_name (str) – The name of the field to check for presence.


Whether a value has been set for the named field.

Return type:



ValueError – if the field_name is not a member of this message.

WhichOneof(oneof_group: Literal['update', b'update']) Literal['candidate', 'done', 'error'] | None

Returns the name of the field that is set inside a oneof group.

If no field is set, returns None.


oneof_group (str) – the name of the oneof group to check.


The name of the group that is set, or None.

Return type:

str or None


ValueError – no group with the given name exists

class viam.proto.rpc.webrtc.signaling.CallUpdateResponse

Bases: google.protobuf.message.Message

CallUpdateResponse contains nothing in response to a call update.

class viam.proto.rpc.webrtc.signaling.ICECandidate(*, candidate: str = ..., sdp_mid: str | None = ..., sdpm_line_index: int | None = ..., username_fragment: str | None = ...)

Bases: google.protobuf.message.Message

ICECandidate represents an ICE candidate. From

candidate: str
sdp_mid: str
sdpm_line_index: int
username_fragment: str
HasField(field_name: Literal['_sdp_mid', b'_sdp_mid', '_sdpm_line_index', b'_sdpm_line_index', '_username_fragment', b'_username_fragment', 'sdp_mid', b'sdp_mid', 'sdpm_line_index', b'sdpm_line_index', 'username_fragment', b'username_fragment']) bool

Checks if a certain field is set for the message.

For a oneof group, checks if any field inside is set. Note that if the field_name is not defined in the message descriptor, ValueError will be raised.


field_name (str) – The name of the field to check for presence.


Whether a value has been set for the named field.

Return type:



ValueError – if the field_name is not a member of this message.

WhichOneof(oneof_group: Literal['_sdp_mid', b'_sdp_mid']) Literal['sdp_mid'] | None
WhichOneof(oneof_group: Literal['_sdpm_line_index', b'_sdpm_line_index']) Literal['sdpm_line_index'] | None
WhichOneof(oneof_group: Literal['_username_fragment', b'_username_fragment']) Literal['username_fragment'] | None

Returns the name of the field that is set inside a oneof group.

If no field is set, returns None.


oneof_group (str) – the name of the oneof group to check.


The name of the group that is set, or None.

Return type:

str or None


ValueError – no group with the given name exists

class viam.proto.rpc.webrtc.signaling.ICEServer(*, urls:[str] | None = ..., username: str = ..., credential: str = ...)

Bases: google.protobuf.message.Message

ICEServer describes an ICE server.

username: str
credential: str
property urls: google.protobuf.internal.containers.RepeatedScalarFieldContainer[str]
class viam.proto.rpc.webrtc.signaling.OptionalWebRTCConfigRequest

Bases: google.protobuf.message.Message

OptionalWebRTCConfigRequest is the request for getting an optional WebRTC config to use for the peer connection.

class viam.proto.rpc.webrtc.signaling.OptionalWebRTCConfigResponse(*, config: global___WebRTCConfig | None = ...)

Bases: google.protobuf.message.Message

OptionalWebRTCConfigResponse contains the optional WebRTC config to use for the peer connection.

property config: global___WebRTCConfig
HasField(field_name: Literal['config', b'config']) bool

Checks if a certain field is set for the message.

For a oneof group, checks if any field inside is set. Note that if the field_name is not defined in the message descriptor, ValueError will be raised.


field_name (str) – The name of the field to check for presence.


Whether a value has been set for the named field.

Return type:



ValueError – if the field_name is not a member of this message.

class viam.proto.rpc.webrtc.signaling.WebRTCConfig(*, additional_ice_servers:[global___ICEServer] | None = ..., disable_trickle: bool = ...)

Bases: google.protobuf.message.Message

WebRTCConfig represents parts of a WebRTC config.

disable_trickle: bool

disable_trickle indicates if Trickle ICE should be used. Currently, both sides must both respect this setting.

property additional_ice_servers: google.protobuf.internal.containers.RepeatedCompositeFieldContainer[global___ICEServer]