




Pose is a combination of location and orientation.


Abstract base class for protocol messages.

Package Contents

class viam.components.arm.KinematicsFileFormat

Bases: _KinematicsFileFormat

class viam.components.arm.Pose(*, x: float = ..., y: float = ..., z: float = ..., o_x: float = ..., o_y: float = ..., o_z: float = ..., theta: float = ...)

Bases: google.protobuf.message.Message

Pose is a combination of location and orientation. Location is expressed as distance which is represented by x , y, z coordinates. Orientation is expressed as an orientation vector which is represented by o_x, o_y, o_z and theta. The o_x, o_y, o_z coordinates represent the point on the cartesian unit sphere that the end of the arm is pointing to (with the origin as reference). That unit vector forms an axis around which theta rotates. This means that incrementing / decrementing theta will perform an inline rotation of the end effector. Theta is defined as rotation between two planes: the first being defined by the origin, the point (0,0,1), and the rx, ry, rz point, and the second being defined by the origin, the rx, ry, rz point and the local Z axis. Therefore, if theta is kept at zero as the north/south pole is circled, the Roll will correct itself to remain in-line.

x: float

millimeters from the origin

y: float

millimeters from the origin

z: float

millimeters from the origin

o_x: float

z component of a vector defining axis of rotation

o_y: float

x component of a vector defining axis of rotation

o_z: float

y component of a vector defining axis of rotation

theta: float


class viam.components.arm.JointPositions(*, values:[float] | None = ...)

Bases: google.protobuf.message.Message

Abstract base class for protocol messages.

Protocol message classes are almost always generated by the protocol compiler. These generated types subclass Message and implement the methods shown below.

property values: google.protobuf.internal.containers.RepeatedScalarFieldContainer[float]

A list of joint positions. Rotations values are in degrees, translational values in mm. The numbers are ordered spatially from the base toward the end effector This is used in GetJointPositionsResponse and MoveToJointPositionsRequest